Ballard and Crown Hill logged nearly 900 responses to the Neighborhood Plan Status Update Survey conducted by the Seattle Planning Commission. Thanks to you all, we had more than double the responses of any other neighborhood.
What does it all mean? In our earlier post we asked you to participate, and let the planning commission know how our neighborhood is doing. The Planning Commission saw a spike in the response numbers near the original deadline of August 12th and extended the deadline to August 21st. The commission will use the responses to prioritize the next round of neighborhood plan updates. They will evaluate the responses to identify the plans in need of updating as soon as possible. Unfortunately not all the plans will be updated at once due to budgetary restraints.
The vigorous response from Crown Hill and Ballard bodes well in a number of ways: 1) It indicates we have a lot of people who cared enough to take the half-hour or more to fill out the survey; 2) It gives the planning commission a statistically significant picture of how the current plan fits /or doesn’t fit with the needs; 3) It demonstrates the vibrant neighborhood we have.