Parks/Green Spaces Opportunity Fund:
We want your ideas for increasing green space in Crown Hill!
The Parks and Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee is now accepting proposals for using the Levy’s Opportunity Fund to develop more parks and open spaces in Seattle, including for the acquisition of properties. The Opportunity Fund from the Pro Parks Levy of 2000 was what was used to purchase the property at 17th and 62nd, which is now Ballard Corners Park, as well as the former Seventh Elect Church on 9th Ave NW, which also is to be developed into a park.
Please let us know ( if you have ideas for parks and open space development, whether it is a derelict building, an existing open space on which you would like to see improvements made, or some other creative idea. We are looking for ideas beyond the park at the Crown Hill Elementary property–that one is already in the bag! CHNA wants to collect feedback and help advance our neighborhood’s top choices through the selection process. The deadline for proposals is February 1.
More information on the Opportunity Fund can be found at