Thanks to everyone who filled out a survey questionnaire to help gauge community and business support for a vegetated median along portions of 15th Ave NW (from 83rd St to 87th St) and Holman Road (from 87th St to 12th Ave). The Holman Road / 15th Ave corridor is a dominant feature in our community, and improvements to the corridor have the potential to make our neighborhood safer for both drivers and pedestrians, healthier for businesses, nicer looking and greener.
Holman / 15th Median Study Community Review Meeting
December 10, 2009 at 7:00pm, doors open at 6:30
Journey Church , 9204 11th Ave NW
Snacks provided
On Thursday, December 10 at 7:00pm the Crown Hill Neighborhood Association and the Crown Hill Business Association will host a community meeting to review designs for a series of planted medians for a section of the Holman Road / 15th Ave NW corridor. Produced by a team of students from the University of Washington’s Community, Environment, and Planning Program, these designs reflect the responses from more than 290 Crown Hill residents through an online survey, as well as conversations with SDOT, Metro transit officials, and business owners along the corridor.
The student team will present a preliminary conceptual drawing (see draft below) and discuss several options for your comment. Feedback from this meeting will be used to produce their final design recommendations.

Thank you for this! I love seeing this area evolve and soften. Now all we need are a diversity of fun smaller shops, restaurants and businesses that are family friendly and can give a cozy feeling of a small town.
This is a great first step that is essential for turning Crown Hill into a vibrant urban neighborhood. I really hope we can continue to refine this plan and get it in front of City department officials who can move this plan forward. Nice work, all those who’ve gotten it to this point, and thanks.
The tree-lined median will definitely hope to slow things down on 15th and lend it a boulevard feel.
Hope it’s a smooth process to approval. Looking forward to your vision!