The Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society will hold its open rehearsal and “backstage” tour for its newest production, Ruddigore, Thursday, June 9th at 7 PM at the Crown Hill Center. FREE!
They will feature a look at the drawings and model of the sets, a tour of the actual set under construction, and a fabulous musical preview of songs with the director and 37 member cast of their July performances at the Bagley Wright Theater.
Ruddigore or the Witch’s Curse
This melodramatic, supernatural comic opera is right up there with the Perils of Pauline and the daring do of Dudley Do-Right, Tess Trueheart and Snidely K. Whiplash. Gilbert turns melodrama on its head when a cursed Baronet turns out to be a good guy, a crazy lady becomes a Sunday School teacher, a British Tar is a snake in the grass, the heroine is a gold digger and the hero turns out to have a curse of his own to deal with Stir in a passel of ghosts in a haunted castle, some excellent signing, dancing and acting, and we’re confident you will go home thoroughly entertained.
Thursday, June 9th, 7PM, 9250 14th Ave NW. And, did we already mention:
The Price is Right: FREE