Seattle City Light installed new LED streetlights in Olympic Manor a couple of weeks ago. The new streetlights are replacing the older sodium vapor lights. The new lights are much more energy efficient, but even more important, they have a projected life of three to four times the life of the old lights. The biggest difference is in the more natural rendering of colors — the sodium vapor lamps have an orange color balance while the LED replacements are much closer to day light, and this allows us to see colors of vehicles and clothing more accurately. City Light recently completed the rollout of the new lights in the area south of 65th. The LED lamps will be installed this year to the northern border (145th Street). Commercial areas and major thoroughfares will be phased in soon as well.

We received a press release from Councilmember Bruce Harrell’s office explaining the program in more detail:
LED Streetlights are Coming to YOU!
New Streetlights are brighter, more efficient and enhance safety Â
Great news! LED Streetlights are coming soon to your neighborhood. We have begun the second phase of LED Streetlight installations on residential streets in north Seattle. Last year, 6,000 were installed between the Ship Canal and North 65th Street. This year, we are installing 12,000 more from North 65th Street to the northern border of City Light’s service territory. The feedback from neighborhoods has been overwhelmingly positive.  The “feel†of the neighborhood has improved with a brighter ambience(sic) and public safety safeguards have increased.  Â
In today’s economy we look for every opportunity to stretch every dollar. Our new LED streetlights reduce energy and maintenance costs and provide more reliable lighting. Â
The first phase of installations have already saved Seattle about $300,000. Once all streetlights are converted, our savings will reach $2.4 million per year. This means more money for potholes, police, libraries and parks. The new lights enhance safety by making it easier to identify objects and their colors at night. Â
In the areas we have installed new LED lights, City Light has only received complaints on 2 percent of the installations. If you would like more information on LED streetlights please contact me at
It would be nice to have street lights on Dibble Avenue NW between 97th and 105th. We don’t have any, much less LED’s. Any ideas on when those will be installed?
Good point Robert, a good question for Bruce Harrell. He’s the City Councilmember who sent the press release on. There’s at least one other street in Crown Hill that has no lights as well because the power lines run down the alley behind the houses. Bruce Harrell’s contact info: or (206) 684-8881
Our family really appreciates the newly installed LED street lights. Thanks for a job well done!
Ugh – these just went up on my street and it’s like we live in Vegas now. Way too bright through the windows.
Any chance some specifics, such as locations and deadlines, could be added to this press release? Please?
Thanks everyone for the comments!
@C2C, I don’t have any more specifics. In the bigger picture, City Light is planning to complete the 65th to 145th section for the whole city by the end of 2011. That is zone 4 on this map. Crews were working in Olympic Manor 3 weeks ago, and last week there were crews working in the Phinney Area.
@h2o_girl, I do know there have been some complaints about the increased light levels and/or glare into windows of residences. Maybe a call to Councilmember Bruce Harrell’s office is in order( or (206) 684-8881).
There is quite a bit more information about the whole program available at The “Consultant Reports” and “Customer Surveys” have interesting details about the new lights and how they were chosen, and customer perceptions/reactions to the LED fixtures compared to the older ones.
The LED lights have now also been installed in the West Crown Hill area in the blocks bounded by 85th, 20th, 89th, and 16th.