Signups are open for the 10th Annual Crown Hill Garage Sale, July 23rd, 2016

Big SaleTime to check out what’s in your garage and basement to go out for the 10th Annual Crown Hill Garage Sale! Great chance to simplify and clean out stuff you no longer need in your life! Remember, one person’s junk is another’s treasure! Organize with your neighbors for a multi-family sale or even a block sale! The more, the merrier.  As always, young entrepreneurs of all ages are encouraged to sell lemonade, baked goodies to the thirsty and hungry sale cruisers.

This year’s sale is Saturday, July 23rd from 9-3. Signups are easy, just put in your information here:  Sellers are encouraged to list individual sales on CraigsList and link to our online sale map as well. The more publicity, the more folks will come.

As we get more signups, we’ll populate the map here: and there will be printed maps and a mobile device friendly map on the day of sale as well.  We’ll publicize the sale on CraigsList, NextDoor and other media.

Hey, maybe you’ve got a closet full of shoes?

Even more shoes

or dolls?


Sign up here: