Lavender Day at Swansons! Discover Cooking with Lavender
Sat. June 12, 10:00 am
Growing Lavender
Swansons herb expert, Rolf Hokansson shares tips from his experience and guides you through the enticing list of lavender varieties available. Whether for cooking, aromatherapy or cocktails Rolf will help you with selection and growing techniques for this favorite herb.
Sat. June 12, 11:00
Discover Lavender: Fragrance, Beauty, Flavor & Taste
Kathy Gehrt will share her knowledge about harvesting and cooking with lavender. Lavender adds color, fragrance and beauty to your garden. In the kitchen, lavender adds flavor to drinks, pastries, salads, soups and entrees. Kathy will demonstrate how to dry roast lavender to create a rustic, earthy taste that brings out the best in vegetables, salmon, halibut, chicken and beef. In addition, Kathy will demonstrate how to create lavender infusions and lavender seasoning blends.