We received the following good news update on the Crown Hill Center from Catherine Weatbrook:
This past spring, the Crown Hill team has been hard at work on a number of improvements to the Crown Hill Center building and grounds. In that effort, we submitted a Department of Neighborhoods Large Project Fund to go towards replacing about 1/2 of the old roof surface. We are pleased to announce that the Ballard as well as City Wide Review teams have recommended this project for the maximum grant amount of $100,000!  Thank you!  The recommendation still must be approved by the Seattle City Council and the Mayor. We are hopeful that history will repeat itself and the review team recommendations will be approved as submitted.
We are moving forward with several of the projects involved in the matching for this grant. The first work party, is Saturday, June 18th from 10-2. Stop by for an hour or four and help out. Rain or shine, we’ll be tackling projects that make the building a better community space. Weeding, clearing, grading, cleaning, scrubbing, picking up trash, organizing, and maybe even some painting.
For more information, please contact Catherine.Weatbrook@gmail.com 206 372 2033