Here are a few pictures taken on August 24th of some of the work proceeding on the future Crown Hill Park. The circular walkway on the North end of the park is being worked on this week, and all of the asphalt is now gone along with the sod. A number of you have asked if the turf for the fields will be natural or artificial. Without getting into the pros and cons of turf types, the plans call for natural grass.
3 thoughts on “Progress on Crown Hill Park, Aug 24th, 2011”
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Are they planning on putting in parking? That is a huge hassle and mess on 14th Ave.
Yeah, when I look at the plans (, the first thing that jumps out at me is the lack of parking. Parking may not be sexy, but it should be one of the first considerations. It was already a problem, and should have been addressed first, before any talk of renovations.
Parking is a mess. I hope most folk walk to the park. That’s the whole point of having parks in our neighborhood. The parking for ball games was bad before and it will still be bad.
Veff, where would you build a new park in the area that has parking? I would opt for turf over parking lot in this case.