The Walkable Crown Hill Project ( in Spring 2008 received a grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to examine ways to make our un-sidewalked streets a little more pedestrian friendly. One of the project goals was to develop a tool kit of alternatives to the traditional gutter-curb-planting string-sidewalk system used in most areas of the city.
As part of the grant, a consultant (Makers Architects) was hired to assist with holding public involvement meetings, and developing the tool kit. In consultation with the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), they suggested we draw up some more traditional projects as well and prioritize those.
We held two public design charrettes in which over eighty Crown Hill residents participated to come up with alternative (hopefully less expensive) means of getting a more pedestrian friendly environment in Crown Hill.
The final report of the project is now available at
A big thank you to all who participated in the process. And an extra special thank you and appreciation goes to Bert Hopkins who volunteered many hours of his personal time to shepherd the contract and the process.