All posts by dennis

Crown Hill Garage Sale, Saturday, July 28, 2012!!!

Good Weather

The 6th Annual Crown Hill Neighbors Garage Sale is shaping up to be a fantastic event. Good weather (not too hot, not too cold, no rain). Lots of great stuff out there. Whether you’re looking to outfit a “man-cave” with a free 5 piece sectional couch (pink), or looking for treasures on a budget (“nothing over a dollar”), or browse the (in)famous West Crown Hill 16th Ave sales, there is something for you!  Harbor Church and Literacy Council of Seattle are participating with proceeds to their charitable works.  Lots of lemonade and refreshment stands are there (see the yellow dots on the map).  And if you’re interested in showing off that Crown Hill Pride ™, we’ve got our fabulous Crown Hill t-shirts available (kids: $5; old design: $10; new design: $15) for purchase at the sale at 9020 12th Ave.

You can still sign up until 5 PM today (July 27th).  Signups are now closed. Map and listing is available here and a limited number will be available (after 8:30 AM on Saturday) by the West entrance of Crown Hill Center (9250 14th Ave NW).

Happy Sale-ing to all, buyers and sellers!

Crown Hill Neighbors Garage Sale Map
Click on map to view listings.



Waste Management strike,July 25th, no waste pickup this week.

Waste Management drivers went on strike today. Most of Crown Hill’s pickup day is Wednesday. Some folk have reported they got garbage pickup only. Most say no pickups happened today. Haul the cans in, and put them out again next Wednesday.

Seattle Public Utilities press release states:

Disruptions in Solid Waste Collections

Customers missed today asked to put out all garbage, yard waste and recycling next Wednesday

As a strike by Teamster Union Local 117 continues, Waste Management is reporting that nearly all of its business and residential garbage, recycling and yard waste collections have stopped in Seattle today — and that many routes, in all wastes streams, will likely remain uncollected by the end of today.

The company also warns of continuing disruptions in solid waste collections tomorrow, Thursday, July 26.

Seattle Public Utilities SPU) asks recycling customers who were missed for collection today to put out their recycling next Wednesday, Aug. 1. There will be no charge for additional items placed at the curb.

Thursday customers should put their garbage, yard waste and recycling out before 7 a.m. tomorrow.

The strike could affect about 60 percent of the city, in Northwest and South Seattle. Teamster Local 117’s contract with Waste Management expired May 31. In Seattle, Local 117 represents only recycling drivers, and other drivers are covered by separate labor agreements. However, Waste Management is reporting that yard and garbage drivers also stopped collecting today.

Collections by CleanScapes, which covers about 40 percent of the city are not impacted by the strike.

SPU Director Ray Hoffman said that although the City of Seattle is not part of the negotiations between Waste Management and the Teamsters, he expects the two parties continue to engage in good faith negotiations toward a speedy and successful outcome.

Under its contract with the city, Waste Management is required to continue services in the event of any disruption. Specifically, any missed collections due to any labor complications must be collected later in the week, or the following week. Waste Management will not be paid for any non-service.

The contract allows the city to deduct approximately $4,500 per day in payments to Waste Management for any services that are not completed the next day. For any interruptions that continue more than a week, contractors can also be fined substantially for service failure, up to $250,000 per day.

“Protecting public health and safety will continue to be the city’s guiding principle throughout this collection disruption,” Hoffman said.

SPU will provide updates as needed. Customers with solid waste service issues or concerns may call the Call Center at 206-684-3000.

Customers with labor/union questions or concerns should contact Waste Management or Teamsters Local 117.

6th Annual Crown Hill Garage Sale Signups are Open!

Garage Sale 2012The 6th Annual Crown Hill Garage Sale signups have opened. This year’s sale will be on Saturday, July 28th, from 9AM to 3 PM.

It’s not too early to be thinking about what you’ll be selling. You’ve probably been tripping over it for months now. Remember what’s junk to you is likely going to be someone else’s treasure!

Last year we had more than 65 participating households, and folks moved a lot of stuff out of their houses and garages on to new owners. It was a great opportunity to talk to neighbors, to cruise other sales, and maybe score a couple of prize finds.

As always, we encourage young entrepreneurs (of all ages) to set up lemonade and cookie stands.

Sign up here, and happy garage sale-ing!

UPDATE:  Our web sign-up form was not working over the weekend. If you submitted a sale and it has not shown up within 24 hours on the map, please resubmit or send an e-mail to with your address, whether there will be lemonade or other refreshments available, and a description of the items. You can also leave a voicemail message for Dennis at (206) 706-7663. Thanks for your patience.

Crown Hill Neighbors New Board Members and Officers

Here are the new members of the Crown Hill Neighbors Board of Directors and Officers as of June 25th, 2012.

Crown Hill Neighborhood Association Officers:


  • Andrew Morrison
  • Cher Ketah

Updated as of the May 19th Election of Board of Directors at the Crown Hill Neighborhood Assn. Annual Meeting, and the June 25th Election of Officers.

Thanks to those retiring from the Board  as of June 25th:

  • Deb Jaquith
  • Dennis Galvin
  • Pete Maslenikov