The Annual Crown Hill Neighbors Garage Sale will be July 28th, 9 AM – 3 PM this year. Signups are now open here.
All posts by dennis
Crown Hill Neighbors Annual Meeting and Crown Hill Park Grand Opening, May 19th, 2012
Our Annual Meeting is May 19th at 10 AM, and we’re going to keep it short so we can all mosey on out the doors at Crown Hill Center to check out the long awaited, newly minted Crown Hill Park! Plans are afoot for a barbecue, special entertainment, tricycle parade and more. We’ll have on sale our fabulous Crown Hill t-shirts so you can show some pride around town. Much, much more. Stay tuned!
Crown Hill Neighbors Annual Meeting 10 AM (Room 5 Crown Hill Center, 9250 14th Ave NW):
- updates on a few projects around the neighborhood
- Sidewalk on 90th between 13th and 14th (done!)
- Sidewalk / pathway on 13th between 90th and Holman
- Proposed improvement to the pathway between 89th and 90th at 17th/18th
- Proposed improvements to the 8th and 100th intersection.
- Volunteers needed
- Board elections — we have to do this, all members are eligible to vote. Not a member yet or need to renew? No problem. We can take care of that too!
Crown Hill Park Dedication/Grand Opening 11 AM-1 PM
- The fences have come down! (some of them anyway)
- Bouncy house!
- The play equipment will be available for inspection and “testing”
- Barbecue
- Skateboard demo
- Tricycle/Bicycle parade (bring your own wheels for this)
Latest Neighborhood Crime Prevention Information
This just received from Terrie Johnston, Neighborhood Crime Prevention Coordinator, SPD North Precinct:
Dear Block Watch Captains/Contacts:Â Sending you a few items of interest.
- The North Precinct Burglary/Theft Unit continues to follow up on recent burglary arrests done by North Precinct patrol officers, and  due in some part to your watchfulness and good 9-1-1 calls. The 19 year old serial occupied burglar and auto thief who was hitting the north end neighborhoods hard approx. 8 weeks ago has been charged with nearly 10 years. He is in jail and won’t be released for a long time.Â
- A 39-year old, white female was arrested last week for multiple burglaries in the north end, some in which the residents were home at the time of the crime. She confessed to detectives that she is an addict, and she preferred burglaries to prostitution. She spent the day with detectives showing them houses she had hit. She told the detectives that she was surprised how many people leave their house keys out in  mailboxes; or on the front porch (she found keys in a pair of shoes on front porch). Please re-think the hide-away key. You may think it is unusual to put in under a paving stone, or huge flower pot, etc. but burglars who do this for a living, know our hiding spots.  She also told the detectives that she often looked in the windows and could see the desirable loot in plain sight (purses, cash, electronics).
- I talked with a gentleman today who lives in the Maple Leaf neighborhood. Evidently, yesterday during the glorious weather we had, he was gardening in the front yard. A thief, unseen by neither the homeowner nor nearby neighbors, entered this home through the unlocked back door and took cash and prescription meds. from a back bedroom.  I know it may be inconvenient to keep your doors locked when you are home and gardening, but these crimes are quick and contribute to our burglary rate increases during summer months. Â
- The Phinney Ridge blog was filled with reports of suspicious magazine solicitors so I attach information on Residential Sales from the City’s Dept. of Finance and Admin. for your perusal.
- National Night Out is coming on August 7th but some block watchers are inquiring about registration already. J I will send out an email when the registration information is on the website.
Thanks for sharing this information with your neighbors and distribution lists. My office phone is 684-7711 here at the North Precinct.  Tj
Seattle Police Crime Prevention
Continue reading Latest Neighborhood Crime Prevention Information
Drive-by shooting in Crown Hill, May 4th
This occurred near the intersection 92nd and Dibble last night (May 4th). The police report is not yet available. You can read some information at MyBallard:
Update 10 AM, May 6th. The SPD Blotter’s take on the incident:
On May 4th at approximately 11:02 p.m. officers responded to multiple 911 calls of shots being fired from a vehicle in the 800 block of NW 92nd Street. The vehicle was described as a light colored sedan, unknown make or model.
Responding officers recovered shell casings from the street. Officers inspected the nearby residences and found no damage. Nobody was injured and no victims have come forward. At this time it is unknown what or whom the target of the shooting was.
Gang Unit detectives responded to the scene and continue to actively investigate.
Community Crime Prevention Coordinator Updates
We just received this missive from Terrie Johnston. And we’re mighty happy that she and the other two SPD Community Crime Prevention Coordinators will be continuing on!
Dear Block Captains/Contacts: I am forwarding you an email from the City’s Emergency Management office as it has disaster preparedness information and dates on upcoming classes. The recent snow, ice and winds remind us that we are often at the mercy of mother nature, but with some simple planning we can “weather the storm” more comfortably.
Other news:Â Mayor McGinn and the Seattle City Council decided last November to maintain the 3 remaining Crime Prevention Coordinators for another year.
This means I will continue serving the North Precinct’s neighborhoods with establishing and maintenance of Block Watches; conducting free security surveys for both commercial spaces and residents. I am available for personal safety trainings; workplace violence prevention, etc. I am happy to be a part of the Community Police Team, and look forward to continuing this meaningful work. Our Block Watch Captains are unsung heroes. We rely on your eyes and ears, and appreciate your sharing these e-lerts I send out with others.
Property Crime: In much of the North precinct, the burglary rates have decreased or stabilized. There are still increased numbers of residential burglaries in some northeast neighborhoods. They are primarily occurring during the hours of 6 a.m. to about 6 p.m. Knocking on doors to see if anyone is at home is still a common method used by thieves. In some cases, there is a female driver who serves as chauffeur and lookout, for her male accomplices.  The lookout has been seen texting the thieves about watchful neighbors, etc. Kicking in doors, or door jambs is prevalent. We recommend all exterior doors be solid core doors, (or metal) and are a minimum of 1 ¾” thick. For maximum security, all exterior doors should be equipped with a deadbolt lock and reinforced strike plates, using 3″ screws which will go into the framework. Locks within 40 inches of glass are vulnerable.
Watchful neighbors remain your best alarm. 9 times out of 10, our burglars are arrested due to 9-1-1 calls from neighbors who heard or saw something suspicious and made that call.
I’ve received e-mails lately about door-to-door solicitors who may or may not have been legitimate. So I am attaching again, information on residential home sales. (I’ve sent this out before, so consider this a rerun).
9-1-1: I think I speak for the entire Community Police Team when I tell you that every day in our e-mail inbox, or on our telephone’s voicemail inbox, we find messages from the community that say something like this, “I wanted to let you know that I just saw something suspicious…but I didn’t think this merited a 9-1-1 call.” Almost always the information is detailed, with good descriptions and refers to something that may or may not have been criminal, but certainly seemed odd. And almost always it is too late for SPD to do anything with that information.  I am now hoping to encourage you to trust that gut feeling of yours.  If you get the sense that something weird is happening, even if it isn’t an emergency, please call 9-1-1 and simply state what you are reporting. The call taker will decide whether your call should be transferred off the primary line onto a secondary line.  You don’t know what you prevent by getting a patrol cruiser coming into your neighborhood.
Happy New Year! Thanks for supporting Crime Prevention. Contact me at 684-7711 for any questions or follow up services. tj
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