All posts by dennis

Tree Ambassadors Needed

The City of Seattle is looking for people to volunteer as tree ambassadors to help with protecting and growing our urban forest.

The Tree Ambassador program empowers residents to become stewards of the urban forest and serve as resources for their local community. Tree Ambassadors will be trained in the basics of urban forestry, leadership and community organizing. Tree Ambassadors will work in teams of 2-3 people to develop neighborhood projects such as tree walks, invasive species removal workdays, and/or tree plantings.

Check it out here. Crown Hill Neighbors recently received a Department of Neighborhoods Small and Simple grant to develop a tree walk and study some of the benefits of the urban forest in Crown Hill. We hosted Arthur Lee Jacobson on a very well attended and received walk through a small portion of our survey area. If you attended our walk or are interested please consider volunteering.

Break-ins in the neighborhood ….

We’ve had a number of thefts, break-ins, property damage/vandalism/graffiti incidents  in the last several months. Just when it seemed to be settling down we received word of yet another break-in and theft:

Just wanted to let my neighbors know
That our outdoor shed was recently robbed. Gas leaf blower, weed wacker &
Hedge trimmer. @$700 worth . We live on 96th ave nw in between
12th & 9th ave.
Thanks for spreading the word.
Keep those sheds & fence doors locked up.

In addition to Lisa’s reminder, please be on the lookout for and report suspicious activity. And report any actual crimes either to 911 or the non-emergency number (206) 625-5011. Certain types of crime can be reported online, and information on that is available here. Maps of crimes can  be seen here. Online police reports are available here.

Mayor’s Town Hall Meeting, April 6th, 2011, BHS

Mayor Mike McGinn will be convening a Town Hall Meeting at Ballard High School. This is part of a series of three town hall meetings held in different areas of the City. The Mayor, City Departments and local community groups will be on hand to answer questions and hear what’s on your mind.

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011, 5:30-8:00 PM
Ballard High School — Commons
1418 NW 65th St

  • 5:30-6:30:  Meet and Greet: City Departments and local volunteer organizations have info tables, answer questions and offer volunteer opportunities
  • 6:30-6:40:  Performance by youth performers
  • 6:40-8:00:  Open question and answer session with the Mayor and City staff

N/NW 85th St repaving project Oct 2011 to Fall 2012

One of Crown Hill’s major streets is scheduled for repaving. Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will be repaving 85th Street from I5 to 15th Ave NW. This project has the potential to disrupt all modes of transportation on 85th and divert traffic to 80th and Holman Road as it avoids 85th. SDOT’s project information page currently lists the following:

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is planning to repave N/NW 85th Street beginning in October 2011 and continuing thorough fall 2012.

This paving project is funded by the “Bridging the Gap” transportation levy approved by Seattle voters in November 2006.

Project Location:

N/NW 85th Street – 15th Avenue NW to Interstate 5

Project Description:

This project will replace and rehabilitate the existing pavement along the N/NW 85th Street corridor from 15th Avenue NW to I-5 Freeway. Benefits include:

  • New concrete pavement in the most heavily travelled areas
  • New underground drainage infrastructure
  • Bus stop improvements including new shelters in some locations
  • Sidewalk repair and replacement
  • Green storm water facilities
  • New and upgraded curb ramps to meet current accessibility standards

Project Schedule:

The project will be phased so that all work will not occur simultaneously and to better manage traffic and disruptions. More detailed schedule information will be provided prior to the start of construction.

Project Contacts:

George Frost, Project Communications Lead,, (206) 615-0786

Jessica Murphy, Project Manager,, (206) 684-0178

SDOT proposes changes to 7th Ave NW and NW 100th Street

Many of you have received a postcard in the mail announcing proposed changes to 7th Ave NW and NW 100th Street near the QFC Shopping Center. These changes are proposed to facilitate the new routing of the Rapid Ride Line “D” which we covered earlier.

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is proposing changes to 7th Avenue NW (between NW 100th Street and NW Holman Rd). The proposed changes include the following:

  • Convert 7th Ave NW to one-way northbound between NW 100th Street and NW Holman Road
  • Install curb, gutter and sidewalk on west side of 7th Avenue NW
  • Install curb, gutter and sidewalk on south side of NW 100th Street (between NW 100th Place and 7th Ave NW)
  • No parking on west side of 7th Avenue NW and south side of NW 100th Street


The proposed improvements are designed to support King County Metro’s Ballard RapidRide service which is scheduled to begin in fall 2012. Converting 7th Avenue NW to one-way will improve access to the RapidRide terminal.

Your comments on the proposed revisions would be appreciated.

Please contact Jonathan Dong with comments:
(206) 233-8564