Monday and today we’ve had a few break-ins and thefts of houses in Crown Hill. The first burglaries were Monday, near 12th and 90th:
We had a break in yesterday. They climbed in the second story window and stole our tv as well as my jewelry. They also broke into our neighbors house and stole her jewelry.
This morning another residential burglary near 13th and 95th:
It looks like they were watching the house because they broke in right after we left this morning. Â They shimmied open a window on the side of the house and got in that way, but then set off the alarm when they opened the patio door to get things out. Â They stole our 42″ plasma TV and had some other things stuffed into bags, but left the bags behind (probably because they were not expecting the alarm to go off). Â We’re going through the house now to see if anything else is missing.
 We did call the police and filed a report with them, and we’re adding more sensors to our windows so that the alarm will go off if a window is tampered with.  There shouldn’t have been any cars other than ours […] in our driveway this morning ….
Here are some tips to get everybody into security mode:
- Terrie Johnston is the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Coordinator for the North Precinct. I don’t know for sure how much longer she will be there. She sends out updates probably once a month. She can come to a block watch organization meeting, and she has done security checkups for both homes and businesses. or 206-684-7711.
- Probably good to have a quick meeting in someone’s back yard. Start exchanging phone nos, getting to know everyone.
- Report all suspicious activity when it is happening. Report it to 911. The 911 operators will triage the calls and dispatch an officer if one is available. Far better than voice mail at the non-emergency number. Per Terrie Johnston and Scott McGlashan presentations, if you are not sure if something is suspicious, it is suspicious.
- Secure windows and doors
- Lights on for porches.
- Motion sensing lights
- Keep ladders locked up
- If door knock is heard, always respond verbally (but don’t open door if you don’t know / expect). If person runs away, or otherwise odd, call 911
- Last I heard security cams were a mixed blessing in that they might be a target of theft, but see this thread on MyBallard forum for a different perspective. SPD caught the burglar based on the evidence provided by the video:
In terms of recovering from the theft:
- If house or car keys or garage door remotes are missing, the burglar(s) may be back. Beware and take appropriate action if any of these are missing.