All posts by jean

Tree Walk enjoyed by many

On September 11, 2010  over 50 people  participated in a 90 minute walking tour of some of  Crown Hill’s landmark trees. Attendees were primarily from the Crown Hill neighborhood, but also included residents from nearby neighborhoods and some from Maple Valley and Bellevue. The tour featured remnants of an old orchard sprawled across what are now multiple single family lots, trees that rank among Seattle’s largest for their species, including a few recorded no where else in the City, and many other significant neighborhood trees. The tour was led by Arthur Lee Jacobson, a wry wit and a renowned local horticulturalist who is the author of Trees of Seattle and Wild Plants of Greater Seattle.

You can take the walking tour yourself with this Tree walk map, albeit without the expert and humorous commentary of Mr. Jacobson. Some corrections need to be made to a couple of tree designations and an updated version will be posted as it becomes available.

Over the next few months, the Neighborhood Association will post other self-guided walking tours of trees in other sections of Crown Hill.

Neighborhood Night Out

Night OutSeattle has had a long history of supporting Night Out which is a program supported by the Seattle Police Department. The program has been growing every year, with over 1,200 neighborhood groups participating in 2009. The event is an opportunity to bring your neighbors together, welcome new neighbors, talk about crime prevention and Block Watch efforts, and have a great time with food, music, games – whatever your block wants to put together. Some gatherings are just a few households; others expand into large block parties.

Night Out Against Crime is an opportunity for Crown Hill neighbors to renew their commitment to:

  • Heightening crime and drug prevention awareness.
  • Generating support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs
  • Strengthening neighborhood spirit and knowledge of who your neighbors are
  • Sharing ideas for safety and distributing neighborhood contact information.

Who organizes Crown Hill blocks to have a “Neighborhood Night Out” event?  You do. It’s up to each group of neighbors to put something together. You can get a permit for a street closure if you want to use the street for kid’s games, chalk art, dancing, whatever.  To register for a street closure and download a sign to post at your street ends, go to this website:

Value Village opens at new location

Value Village Henry Mural
Value Village Henry Mural

A festive reception and fashion show on March 3 marked the opening of the Value Village at their new location near the corner of 15th Ave NW and NW 85th St.  Crown Hill Neighborhood Association board members and representatives of Crown Hill businesses were invited as well as other community representatives.

Jane Mansfield
Jane Mansfield

Jane Mansfield, spokesperson for Community Services for the Blind and Partially Sighted, spoke about the partnership and benefits that Value Village has brought to funding that organization.

Runway Fashion
Runway Fashion

On the fashion runway, Jason shows the casual musician look.  Can this be the same Jason who is the Neighborhood Association Board President?