Category Archives: Gardening

Classes at Swanson’s Nursery (Feb-Mar 2010)

Three great classes coming up at Swanson’s Nursery. The cold snap in December has probably kicked your cabin fever into high gear. Only problem is that was followed by record breaking warm weather in January which has you itching to get out in the yard. It’s still not safe to put in your spring garden, but our neighborhood nursery, Swanson’s has just the thing coming up in February. The first two seminars are put on by Laura Matter from Seattle Tilth (Planting your Edible Garden), and Crown Hill’s own Wendy Welch (Container Design). And we could use inspiration and help in selecting appropriate fruit trees for our yards. The seminars are FREE and no reservations are required.

Swanson’s Nursery
9701 15th Avenue Northwest
Seattle, WA 98117-2399
(206) 782-2543

Continue reading Classes at Swanson’s Nursery (Feb-Mar 2010)

Piper Orchard’s 4th Annual Fall Festival of Fruit and Tour

Saturday, Sept 18th, 2010
10 AM – 2 PM

Tour the 119 year old orchard, see displays to learn more about growing your own trees, bring apples from your trees to determine their variety, live music, food booths, learn about orchard history, grapes in the orchard, pest management, permaculture, kids crafts and more., 206-684-0877, or

Tree Pruning Class, Aug 14th, 2010

CityFruit Logo

City Fruit will be hosting two Summer Fruit Tree pruning classes in Seattle this summer. These are hands on classes taught by some of the most experienced teachers in the area. To register: click on the link of the class you want to attend (These link to the class registration at Brown Paper Tickets). You can also send a check, with the name of the class and your contact information to City Fruit, PO Box 28577, Seattle 98118.   Cost is $15 for City Fruit members, $20 for non-members.  After registering, you will receive confirmation and the address of the class.   If you can’t afford a class but really want to learn, email us at

Aug 14  Summer Pruning, South Seattle. 10:00 am – noon.  Summer pruning discourages excessive new growth and “can be used to slow down overly vigorous trees or trees that are too large” (P. Vossen).   It is most effective between June and late September.  This class mixes lecture with hands-on demonstrations in a south Seattle urban orchard.  Bill Wanless is co-owner of brooke/wanless gardens, specializing in pruning of small trees, shrubs and vines.  He is an ISA-certified arborist with 20 years’ field experience.

Comments on Bill’s last class:  “Bill knew what he was talking about, had a nice demeanor, and seemed to really enjoy pruning.”  “He made sure we covered all of the relevant content and answered our questions.”  “Clear explanations.  Good hands on demonstration.” “He knew the subject well.”

Healthy Soils Seminar at Swansons, June 13th

Sun. June 13, 11:00 am
Healthy Soils create a Heathy Garden for a Healthy You
The nutrition your fruits and vegetables provide you, is only as good as the nutrition you provide your soil. In this seminar, you will receive helpful tips and learn about how you can improve the health of your soils for a healthy vegetable garden and a healthy you! Soil structure and biology of the living soil will be discussed. Led by Gretchen Taylor, organics educator, Dr Earth Company.