Category Archives: Land Use/Zoning

Holman Rd/15th Ave NW Median Survey

Please take the survey

The Crown Hill Neighborhood Association and the Crown Hill Business Association would like your input on a project to design a series of planted medians for a section of the Holman Road / 15th Ave corridor. CHNA and CHBA are working with a team of students from the University of Washington’s Community, Environment, and Planning Program, who plan to have some graphic images and maps ready for us all to review at a community meeting in December. For this project to accurately reflect the needs of Crown Hill residents we need as much of your feedback as possible. The survey can be accessed here. (The survey will open in a new window and is hosted by

Far from being merely an academic exercise, it is our hope that together we can create a design that will actually be implemented. The Holman Road / 15th Ave corridor is a dominant feature in our community, and improvements to the corridor have the potential to make our neighborhood safer for both drivers and pedestrians, nicer looking and greener. More information about the project will be sent out in the next few weeks.

Neighborhood Plan Status Report — August 12th, 2009 input deadline

As we reported in the earlier article, the Seattle Planning Commission wants your input on how our neighborhood is doing. They are prioritizing the next round of neighborhood plans to be revised. A meeting was held on July 23rd at the Phinney Center where the Crown Hill-Ballard Neighborhood plan status report was considered. Approximately 15 Crown Hill and Ballard residents attended and provided their input. Your input is still needed to let the commission know whether the current plan has been successfully executed and whether the plan addresses current conditions and expected future growth. The commission has developed a simple online questionnaire at:

Some of the original plan elements were accomplished, while others were not. Additionally Ballard and Crown Hill have an increased population with different characteristics from that when the 1999 plan was developed.

Below is a graph showing by neighborhood the number of completed electronic survey responses received as of August 10th. Although it appears that Crown Hill & Ballard “lead” the city, it is still vitally important that you take the survey as well.

Survey responses received as of August 10, 2009
Survey responses received as of August 10, 2009

Continue reading Neighborhood Plan Status Report — August 12th, 2009 input deadline

Crown Hill Ballard Neighborhood Plan update. Still time to get your comments in.

On July 23rd, a number of Crown Hill and Ballard residents gathered around a table with a representative of the Seattle Planning Commission. We had a rousing discussion about how the Crown Hill and Ballard neighborhood has changed since the Crown Hill Ballard neighborhood plan was developed in the mid to late ’90s. The general impression of the folk around the table: The plan is out of date and needs revision to account for the incredible growth in the neighborhood. Changes in the makeup of housing, increased population density, needs for increased green space, improved transportation, pedestrian amenities, and many other topics arose in the discussions.

The planning commission would still like to hear your comments. Yes, you can make a difference. An interested and informed neighborhood will go a long way to assuring the successful update of the Crown Hill Ballard neighborhood plan. The more comments the Planning Commission receives the better. It is vitally important that, as the city prioritizes and schedules our neighborhood plan update, we begin the dialog. You can take a short online survey about how the old plan is working. If you are not already familiar with the old plan, there are some summary materials available for your perusal. Take the survey at

The last day for comments is August 12th. Please take the time to provide your input!

Continue reading Crown Hill Ballard Neighborhood Plan update. Still time to get your comments in.

How is Your Neighborhood Doing?

Please join members of the Seattle Planning Commission and the Neighborhood Planning Advisory Committee in the first of a series of two important community meetings.

These two citizen groups want to hear your thoughts. Come and tell us how your neighborhood has changed since your neighborhood plan was adopted. Your comments and input at this meeting will help the City of Seattle complete a status report that will look at how well your neighborhood plan is achieving its goals and strategies.

This first series of meetings will provide an opportunity to learn about your neighborhood plan, the projects that have been implemented, and growth and changes that have occurred since the plan was written in the late 90’s. We will explore issues such as growth, transportation, housing, economic development, basic utilities, neighborhood character, open space and parks, public services, public safety, and other issues.

The second meeting series, tentatively scheduled for October, will be an opportunity to review the status report.

Date and location for “Series One – Neighborhood Status Report Updates” meeting that includes your community:

July 23rd
For Greenwood/Phinney, Crown Hill & Ballard, Fremont, Wallingford, Green Lake
6-8 p.m.
Phinney Neighborhood Center
6532 Phinney Ave. N

For those who cannot attend check out the virtual on-line meeting and take our quick questionnaire to make sure your voice is heard. Click here to watch a brief video, view your neighborhood summary and take the questionnaire!!!

To learn more information, please visit the Neighborhood Planning website at

With questions, please contact Planning Commission staff at (206) 684-8694 or