The Labateyah Youth Home on 13th Avenue NW at NW 90th St is in the midst of planning for their future facilities. The most recent design workshop was held on November 18, 2010. Neighbors are encouraged to contact Norine Hill at Labateyah for more information about the project.
Category Archives: News
Value Village opens at new location

A festive reception and fashion show on March 3 marked the opening of the Value Village at their new location near the corner of 15th Ave NW and NW 85th St. Crown Hill Neighborhood Association board members and representatives of Crown Hill businesses were invited as well as other community representatives.

Jane Mansfield, spokesperson for Community Services for the Blind and Partially Sighted, spoke about the partnership and benefits that Value Village has brought to funding that organization.

On the fashion runway, Jason shows the casual musician look. Can this be the same Jason who is the Neighborhood Association Board President?
Salmon return at Carkeek, Neighbors have expert guide for viewing
Enjoying a leisurely Saturday morning following Thanksgiving, 11 Crown Hill residents walked to Carkeek Park to check out the annual chum salmon return to Piper’s Creek. Doug Gresham, a wetlands ecologist and CH resident, provided expert commentary on the life cycle of salmon and the restoration project in Piper’s Creek.

Continue reading Salmon return at Carkeek, Neighbors have expert guide for viewing
Neighborhood Safety Crime Meeting Wrap-up
Monday, June 15th Crown Hill Neighbors and Crown Hill Business Association jointly sponsored a Crime and Safety meeting for Crown Hill and adjacent areas. We had 37 members of the public attend the meeting in the Journey Church basement with 3 representatives of Seattle’s city government. D. Haag and N. Hansen from the Seattle Police Department and Rob Mattson from the Department of Neighborhoods fielded questions from the room, and each gave short presentations.
Seattle Teen Challenge Walk-A-Thon
This was just received from Seattle Teen Challenge director Brandlyn Kay about their Teen Challenge Walk-A-Thon held on Saturday, June 13th:
Thank you to everyone who came out to our first annual Walk A Thon. We had lots of fun doing this and meeting so many new people. The grand total of the fundraiser is over 13.000 dollars! We couldn’t have done it with out your support. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you next year!
Brandlyn Kay
Executive Director
Seattle Metro Women’s
Teen Challenge
Direct 206-721-7555