Category Archives: Transportation

King County Metro Rapid Ride Coming to Crown Hill

King County’s Ballard-Uptown Rapid Ride Corridor will be located along 15th Ave NW through Ballard and Crown Hill. The RapidRide program was approved by voters in the 2006 Transit Now initiative to provide better, faster, and more convenient bus service.  The Ballard-Uptown Rapid Ride Advisory Committee recently recommended routing the corridor along 15th Ave NW rather than 24th Ave NW for the following reasons:

  • It’s the most direct route and a straight alignment heading downtown.
  • It features a higher degree of safety and lights that accommodate pedestrians.
  • Routing RapidRide on 15th Avenue NW keeps 24th Avenue NW safer for bicycles.
  • Signal prioritization will allow buses to travel faster.
  • Most survey respondents residing in all parts of Ballard selected the 15th Avenue NW option.
  • It serves Ballard High School.
  • It supports development along the 15th Avenue NW corridor.
Rapid Ride Station(artist's rendition)
Rapid Ride Station(artist's rendition)

Continue reading King County Metro Rapid Ride Coming to Crown Hill

Holman Road Median Study Meeting

December 10 at 7:00pm
Journey Church , 9204 11th Ave NW

On Thursday, December 10 at 7:00pm CHNA and the Crown Hill Business Association will host a community meeting to review designs for a series of planted medians for a section of the Holman Road / 15th Ave NW corridor.  Produced by a team of students from the University of Washington’s Community, Environment, and Planning Program, these designs reflect the feedback received from over 290 Crown Hill residents through an online survey, as well as conversations with SDOT, Metro transit officials, and business owners along the corridor.

The student team will present several options for your comment.  Feedback from the December meeting will be used to produce their final design recommendations.  Far from being merely an academic exercise, it is our hope that together we can create a design that will actually be implemented. The Holman Road / 15th Ave corridor is a dominant feature in our community, and improvements to the corridor have the potential to make our neighborhood safer for both drivers and pedestrians, nicer looking and greener.

Where’s My Trolley?

Ballard Trolley
Ballard Trolley

Where’s My Trolley? – 155 years of transportation in Ballard,

7-8 PM at Ballard Public Library, 5614 22nd Ave NW.

Jana Wright, Transportation Manger for King County Metro will share her research on Ballard’s rich transportation history.  Call (206) 660-8463 for more information.

Sponsored by Ballard Historical Society