Health, Equity, & Transportation Forum
Wednesday, May 26th, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Yesler Community Center
917 E Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122
This forum considers the impact transportation choices have on communities from a health and equity perspective. Moderated by C.R. Douglas, a panel of community members will discuss questions such as:
- What do you see in your own neighborhood that makes you walk, bike, ride transit?
- How do peoples’ neighborhoods/built environment affect their health?
- How are different people affected differently? Why is this?
- What does the future look like, if we do it “right”?
Panelists include:
- Jen Cole is the director of the Safe Routes to School Program at Feet First. Safe Routes to School programs aim to increase the number of students walking and biking to school safely.
- Dr. Ben Danielson is a pediatrician at Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic. Located in Seattle’s Central District, the clinic provides medical, dental and mental health care under one roof to all families regardless of their ability to pay.
- Ed Ewing is the director of the Major Taylor Project at the Cascade Bicycle Club, which has the mission of creating a multicultural bicycling community where teenagers have equal opportunity to spend time outdoors and on a bicycle.
- Carla Saulter, “Bus Chick”, blogs for Carla is a third-generation Seattleite (on her dad’s side) and is one of a growing number of Seattleites who have chosen to live without a car. She takes the bus everywhere she goes.
- Anne Vernez Moudon, Dr. es Sc., Professor of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Design and Planning at the University of Washington. She also directs the Urban Form Lab, which studies neighborhood and street design, non-motorized transportation, and physical activity.