Category Archives: Walkability

Carkeek Park Salmon Migration Walk

Saturday, November 28th
10 AM to noon (or so)
Meet-up under the big oak tree at 13th and 95th

Crown Hill resident Doug Gresham will be leading a walking tour to observe the migration of salmon up Piper’s Creek in Carkeek Park. Doug has worked on making the creek more friendly to salmon returning to spawn, helping to design and construct some of the habitat improvements.

This is our third annual Thanksgiving walk to the creek and is a rain or shine event. An ideal antidote to all of that sleep-inducing tryptophan ( ingested on Thanksgiving day. Come join your neighbors for a gently-paced, child-friendly amble to Carkeek Park. At previous walks, sharp-eyed participants have spotted masked marauding bandits (raccoons) sleeping in the tree-tops as well as hawks, woodpeckers, and other wildlife in addition to salmon.

Traffic Circle Planted at 12th & 95th NW

This morning as the fog was breaking up, a small band gathered at 12th and 95th NW, to plant the new traffic circle and take a first step to slowing the traffic on 12th Ave NW. In short order the mulch was pulled back, pots laid out, plants planted and watered, mulch put back, and the area swept clean. We planted drought tolerant, low maintenance plants provided by the city, as well as, a few donations from neighbors. Several folks have asked, and no, we did not plant a tree as the circle is too small to support a healthy tree. Celebrating a job well done with hot cider, we greeted neighbors passing by. Thank you to our enthusiastic planting crew, Joel, Nancy, Arik, Monica, Bert, Dennis, Kit, Heather, Tyler, Annika, Clara, and Tehama.

Traffic Circle Planting Crew
Traffic Circle Planting Crew

Over 1.5 years ago, Crown Hill Neighborhood Association (CHNA) applied to the city Bridging the Gap fund for several projects. Both the circle and 12th and 13th on NW 95th were funded. The 13th Ave circle will be completed soon (the forms are in). Also neighbors on Mary worked to get the circle at Mary & 95th in earlier this year. CHNA and Sustainable Crown Hill are working together to make our Crown Hill Streets more walkable. Through the efforts of many we are are off to a great start. Thank you to everyone involved from the start.

Hot cider for the planters
Hot cider for the planters