Greening Crown Hill Study

Greening Crown Hill: Crown Hill Improvement and Art Master Plan

In 2006 the Crown Hill Business Association commissioned a study of visual design elements in the Crown Hill Business Corridor.

Artist’s conception from Holman Road


The Crown Hill Improvement and Art Master Plan describes a strategic approach, criteria, design concepts, and art and landscape opportunities throughout the Crown Hill neighborhood. The rationale for a master plan came from a desire to improve the neighborhood’s identity and encourage business prominence. The two-lane truck route that follows 15th Ave NW and Holman Road bisects the heart of Crown Hill, making the neighborhood appear as a pass-through space, rather than a destination. In an effort to mitigate this reputation, local businesses and neighborhood groups are interested in creating art and landscape works that establish a greater sense of place and make the area more inviting.
The purpose of this Master Plan is to establish a strategic approach with clear design values and themes to guide future neighborhood improvements, so that new interventions form a unified and interconnected whole. It seeks to ensure cohesive art and landscape works which reflect an understanding of the site, rather than a series of isolated improvements and art pieces that do not relate to one another. The Master Plan includes a variety of diagrams, illustrations and precedent images intended to inform the reader about the neighborhood, the possibilities, and art opportunities.

This booklet is intended to be a source of reference that provides guidance and inspiration to the Crown Hill Business Association, community groups, local businesses and future artists involved in art, landscape, and development projects. Its intention is to stimulate not dictate. Its purpose is to focus energies and encourage the implementation of projects that lead to a greater connective whole.

Download a copy today!   CrownHillImprovementPlan2007.pdf (7.3 MB)

Elevation diagram


Crown Hill School site meeting

November 26, 2007 

We have a unique opportunity in Crown Hill to acquire the 3.4 acre Crown Hill School site and secure it for continued community use and benefit, including a park, arts, and childcare center. Come hear about the status of this project, and tell us what you would like to see happening in the building.


  • Welcome and Project Visioning
  • Building Conditions and High Level Business Analysis
  • What are some Funding Possibilities
  • What Interests are there in the Community for the Building
  • Audience Interests Survey
  • Recap and Next Steps

The Crown Hill School site is one of the 5 school properties the Seattle School Board voted to surplus last spring. The master tenant at Crown Hill is Small Faces Child Development Center  , and has one year to negotiate an agreement to purchase the site from the School District. The Crown Hill site can receive up to $1 million in the mayor’s proposed 2008 budget. There is also voter approved funding (Pro Parks Levy) of $1.1 million to establish a park at the site. Since July, when we held our public meeting at the site, Cascade Land Conservancy has been working with a core group of people from Small Faces and Crown Hill Neighbors to discuss how to acquire the land and buildings, and create an economically sustainable plan for the site. The working group has identified some possible funding sources for the Crown Hill Project:

  • Private donations and events
  • Corporate Donations, naming rights
  • Foundations and trusts
  • Government programs and grants
  • Decrease costs paired with additional rental income

The ultimate solution will involve developing a sound business plan which includes all of the above.

The purposes of this meeting are to: 1) Disseminate information about the project and its current status; and 2) Engage the Crown Hill Community in shaping the future of the site.