We normally hold our monthly board meeting on the fourth Monday of each month. This month’s meeting is cancelled. Please let us know if there is anything needing to be brought up at the February 25th meeting or earlier: agenda@crownhillneighbors.org
Tag Archives: Crown Hill Neighbors
Oct. Board Meeting, Monday, Oct. 22, 7:15-8:15 p.m., Crown Hill Center, room 4
All are welcome to attend. If you have a topic you would like added to the agenda, email it to agenda@crownhillneighbors.org.
Thanks for your interest in Crown Hill Neighbors!
Sept. Board Meeting, Monday, Sept. 24, 7:15-8:15 p.m., Crown Hill Center, room 4
All are welcome to attend. If you have a topic you would like added to the agenda, email it to agenda@crownhillneighbors.org.
Thanks for your interest in Crown Hill Neighbors!
August Board Meeting, Monday, August 27, 7:15-8:15 p.m., Crown Hill Center, room 4
All are welcome to attend. If you have a topic you would like added to the agenda, email it to agenda@crownhillneighbors.org.
Thanks for your interest in Crown Hill Neighbors!
Crown Hill Garage Sale, Saturday, July 28, 2012!!!
The 6th Annual Crown Hill Neighbors Garage Sale is shaping up to be a fantastic event. Good weather (not too hot, not too cold, no rain). Lots of great stuff out there. Whether you’re looking to outfit a “man-cave” with a free 5 piece sectional couch (pink), or looking for treasures on a budget (“nothing over a dollar”), or browse the (in)famous West Crown Hill 16th Ave sales, there is something for you! Harbor Church and Literacy Council of Seattle are participating with proceeds to their charitable works. Lots of lemonade and refreshment stands are there (see the yellow dots on the map). And if you’re interested in showing off that Crown Hill Pride ™, we’ve got our fabulous Crown Hill t-shirts available (kids: $5; old design: $10; new design: $15) for purchase at the sale at 9020 12th Ave.
You can still sign up until 5 PM today (July 27th). Signups are now closed. Map and listing is available here and a limited number will be available (after 8:30 AM on Saturday) by the West entrance of Crown Hill Center (9250 14th Ave NW).
Happy Sale-ing to all, buyers and sellers!