Tag Archives: Homeless

Congregation Hosted Safe Parking for People Living in Vehicles

The Ballard Homes For All Coalition (BHFAC) is spearheading an effort to encourage the churches of Ballard to make one or two parking spaces available for the use of homeless individuals living in their vehicles. BHFAC was formed in response to 36th District Representative Mary Lou Dickerson’s call to action from November 2007:

It has come to my attention that Ballard is experiencing an increase in homelessness, especially among more vulnerable populations such as the elderly. After talking with a few people, including Rob Mattson, it is also evident that Ballard lacks many of the necessary services to assist people living on the street. Given the dropping temperature, this is something we urgently need to start working on.

On June 3rd, 2010,  BHFAC held a public meeting at the Crown Hill United Methodist Church on their program “Congregation-Hosted Safe Parking for People Living in Vehicles.”  This program aims to create safe places for homeless people living in vehicles to park.

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