Tag Archives: McGinn

McGinn Town Hall Meeting Wrap-Up

A very friendly crowd of approximately 300 people showed up for Mayor-elect Mike McGinn’s transition team town hall meeting at the Northgate Community Center on November 30th. This meeting was one of a series of meetings held, one each in the North, Central and South parts of the city. He assumes the responsibilties on January 1st with an official ceremony taking place on Monday, January 4th.

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Mayor-elect McGinn Wants Your Input

Mayor-elect Mike McGinn will be holding a town hall meeting, Monday, Nov. 30 in north Seattle to give people a chance to share their thoughts about the future direction of Seattle.

7-9 p.m., Nov. 30
Northgate Community Center
10510 – 5th Ave. NE.

There will be three town hall meetings, one each in the North, Central and South of Seattle.

For more information on the transition team and your opportunity for input, please see: http://new.seattle.gov/