To keep up to date on growth in the Urban Village, visit
In Fall 2015, the City released two different plans to address Seattle’s explosive growth. As part of the Mayor’s HALA proposal and the 2035 Seattle Plan, Crown Hill Urban Village is proposed to be expanded. The original Crown Hill Residential Urban Village (solid line on the map below) is proposed to expand to include areas within a ten minute walk of high capacity transit (defined as access to 2 or more transit lines with frequent service). Both the present and proposed Urban Village areas include parts of Crown Hill, Whittier Heights, Loyal Heights, Greenwood and Olympic Manor.

Zoning within the Urban Village is proposed to change dramatically as well. ALL current single family housing zoning within the expanded Crown Hill Urban Village is proposed to be up-zoned to multifamily.
Over 100 neighbors attended Crown Hill Neighbor Association meetings in Fall 2015. A subsequent meeting was held later in 2015 under the auspices of the Crown Hill Neighborhood Association. As an outgrowth of these meetings, the Crown Hill Urban Village Smart Growth Committee was formed to give residents a voice in shaping population growth and density in the Urban Village. The new committee includes representation from Crown Hill, Greenwood, Whittier Heights, Loyal Heights and Olympic Manor.
Keep up to date at the new website for the Crown Hill Urban Village Smart Growth Committee: