Crown Hill Natural Area gets TLC

It was a wonderful convergence of a beautiful day and a hearty group of volunteers at the Crown Hill Natural Area on December 4.  Fourteen members of the UW National Honor Society came out to refurbish the ADA walkway, clear the trails of debris, cutwork party volunteers from UW back overgrown shrubs, and pick up litter in the natural area at the end of 19th Avenue NW at NW 89th Street.  Joyce Ford and Nancy Gruber have been the stalwart neighbors leading periodic work parties to take care of this little haven for birds, wildlife, and people enjoying a moment with nature.

Joyce Ford
Joyce Ford, one of the primary leaders in caring for this area.

The Crown Hill Natural Area was acquired by Seattle Parks in 1998. For a bit of history of this former Victory Garden, read this article from the Ballard News-Tribune of March 18, 1998.