Category Archives: Announcements

Earth Day event in our neighborhood

Crown Hill neighbors are urged to join the Earth Day event on April 17 in our neighborhood. Carkeek Park is setting up teams that will fan out on our streets surrounding the park and do three things: (1) stencil on storm drains the caution about dumping waste, (2) distribute one-page flyers to homes regarding pet waste, and (3) pick up trash along roadways and in public spaces.

What’s up with stenciling drains? There are over 100 storm drains in the Piper’s Creek watershed that send stormwater through the Park and into Puget Sound. Runoff from roads and gutters contributes lots of gunk to Puget Sound every year. Studies show that marking storm drains with the message “Dump No Waste, Drains to Stream” doubles community awareness.

Come to the Park’s Environmental Education Center at 8:30 a.m. to get matched up with a 3-5 person team, pick up supplies, and get your assignment of streets to cover. Just a few hours of work, then an Earth Day celebration with pizza at noon.  Bring work gloves and remember to dress for all sorts of weather.

It is helpful if you register in advance by calling 386-9154 to help Park staff figure appropriate numbers of stencils, trash bags, etc.

Neighbor Appreciation Day, February 6, 2010

Seattle City Department of Neighborhoods is celebrating Seattle’s 16th Annual Neighborhood Appreciation Day on February 6th this year.  This special day celebrates the goodness in those arond us and is a time to reach out, create new bonds and express our thanks to the neighbors in our lives. Neighborhoods and community organizations across the city organize activities, block parties, open houses or work parties to recognize the day.