Category Archives: Announcements

Bridge Painting on Holman Road

Seattle Department of Transportation will be doing some maintenance in December 2009 or January 2010.

Holman Road over 8th Ave NW bridge railings: SDOT is going to clean and paint the railings of the bridge on Holman Road. The proposed activity is in response to the need to prevent corrosion of the steel railings.  There is approximately 135 ft of bridge railing to be painted on the bridge. The Bridge is located at the intersection of Holman Road NW and 8th Avenue NW between the Crown Hill and Greenwood Neighborhood.

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Holman Road Median Study Meeting

December 10, 2009 at 7:00pm
Journey Church , 9204 11th Ave NW

On Thursday, December 10 at 7:00pm the Crown Hill Neighborhood Association and the Crown Hill Business Association will host a community meeting to review designs for a series of planted medians for a section of the Holman Road / 15th Ave NW corridor.  Produced by a team of students from the University of Washington’s Community, Environment, and Planning Program, these designs reflect the feedback received from over 290 Crown Hill residents through an online survey, as well as conversations with SDOT, Metro transit officials, and business owners along the corridor.

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Mayor-elect McGinn Wants Your Input

Mayor-elect Mike McGinn will be holding a town hall meeting, Monday, Nov. 30 in north Seattle to give people a chance to share their thoughts about the future direction of Seattle.

7-9 p.m., Nov. 30
Northgate Community Center
10510 – 5th Ave. NE.

There will be three town hall meetings, one each in the North, Central and South of Seattle.

For more information on the transition team and your opportunity for input, please see:

Carkeek Park Salmon Migration Walk

Saturday, November 28th
10 AM to noon (or so)
Meet-up under the big oak tree at 13th and 95th

Crown Hill resident Doug Gresham will be leading a walking tour to observe the migration of salmon up Piper’s Creek in Carkeek Park. Doug has worked on making the creek more friendly to salmon returning to spawn, helping to design and construct some of the habitat improvements.

This is our third annual Thanksgiving walk to the creek and is a rain or shine event. An ideal antidote to all of that sleep-inducing tryptophan ( ingested on Thanksgiving day. Come join your neighbors for a gently-paced, child-friendly amble to Carkeek Park. At previous walks, sharp-eyed participants have spotted masked marauding bandits (raccoons) sleeping in the tree-tops as well as hawks, woodpeckers, and other wildlife in addition to salmon.

Greenwood Elementary 100th Birthday Celebration

Greenwood Elementary School
100th Birthday Celebration & Environmental Fair
Saturday  December 5, 2009
12 – 5 PM

Perhaps you are an alumna or alumnus of Greenwood Elementary School or you wanted to rub shoulders with our new Mayor-elect Mike McGinn or School Board representative Sheri Carr? Or maybe just help our Greenwood neighbors to celebrate their centennial. Join our Greenwood neighbors in celebrating the school’s 100th anniversary. Neighbors and alumni welcome. Activities include a Family Bike Fest (12:00 – 3:30 PM) featuring a bike safety rodeo and bike and helmet fitting; Environmental Fair (2:00 – 5:00 PM) with green living booths and games;  the bubble man; live music and a sing-a-long; school open house, time capsule; commemorative art; and more. For more information go to  Greenwood School Centennial (