Category Archives: Announcements

Crown Hill Arts Festival, November 7, 2009

The Crown Hill Project Working Group
is proud to present the 2009 Crown Hill Arts Festival!

Admission is FREE!

Doors open at 6:30pm

Arts Festival Poster
Arts Festival Poster


Stroll the Artwalk and enjoy paintings and photography from local artists. Local community groups and building tenants will have information tables in the hallway.

Continue reading Crown Hill Arts Festival, November 7, 2009

Halloween Party in Crown Hill, October 24th, 2009

Halloween 2009 FlyerHalloween 2009 Flyer

Come to the Third Annual Crown Hill Halloween Celebration. For kids of all ages (from 0-100) and adults too. Come in costume, prepared to feast with your neighbors. Bring something to share with everyone. Flashlight treasure hunt at 6:30. Please RSVP to with the number of adults and kids so we can plan for the treasure hunt. Bring a flashlight.

The world famous Bucket Brigade (headquartered right here in [drumroll here] Crown Hill) will make a rare public appearance to entertain us with drumming and dancing. And, for all you closet drummers, there will be a fantastic chance to try out your rhythmic skills on the same buckets using the same drum sticks as the pros.

October 24th 6:00-8:00 PM
Crown Hill School Play Field
South end of Crown Hill School
(in case of rain, we’ll move inside the building)

See you there!