Halloween 2009 Flyer
Come to the Third Annual Crown Hill Halloween Celebration. For kids of all ages (from 0-100) and adults too. Come in costume, prepared to feast with your neighbors. Bring something to share with everyone. Flashlight treasure hunt at 6:30. Please RSVP to halloween@sustainablecrownhill.org with the number of adults and kids so we can plan for the treasure hunt. Bring a flashlight.
The world famous Bucket Brigade (headquartered right here in [drumroll here] Crown Hill) will make a rare public appearance to entertain us with drumming and dancing. And, for all you closet drummers, there will be a fantastic chance to try out your rhythmic skills on the same buckets using the same drum sticks as the pros.
October 24th 6:00-8:00 PM
Crown Hill School Play Field
South end of Crown Hill School
(in case of rain, we’ll move inside the building)
See you there!