Category Archives: Announcements

Neighborhood Garage Sale!!!

Calling all Crown Hill Neighbors to participate in our Third Annual  CHNA Garage Sale.  About 50 households participated last year with loads of cool stuff. Great way to meet your neighbors.

Garage Sale Signs

Is your house overflowing with clothes, furniture, toys, appliances, etc which could find a home with one of your neighbors or garage sale cruisers? Want an excuse to buy those 70’s bell bottom pants? Remember, one household’s junk is another’s treasure! This is your chance to buy or sell, and a wonderful opportunity to mingle with the crowds. Last year’s sale had over 50 participating selling households.

Do your kids need an excuse to set up a lemonade stand?

Check back at on June 25th, and we’ll have an online form so you can include your address and a short description of what you’ve got. We’ll have an online map and list of participating addresses with the descriptions you provide. (UPDATED: You can sign up here, and the online map of garage sales is here)

It’s definitely time to start setting your merchandise aside, and plotting joint sales with neighbors so you can take turns visiting other sales.

Questions about the sale, please contact Jen: or (206) 898-0191.

Welcome to Our New Web Site

Thanks for visiting. After a slow start our new web site is officially open for business. We hope you’ll find the site easy to navigate and chock full of vital information and news about your Crown Hill neighborhood.

We created the site using WordPress blogging software. We have turned on comments on many articles to facilitate conversations between neighbors. If you choose to add your comment to an article,  please keep it good-natured and civil (trolls will not be tolerated). For those of you technical wizards, RSS feeds are enabled for the web site, so you can subscribe to the feed and get up-to-the-minute notification of new and changed articles (I use the Brief add-in for Mozilla Firefox to subscribe to RSS feeds, and am not familiar with either Safari or Internet Explorer, so I can offer no guidance there).

We are planning to add new features as time permits. We are volunteers, so please be patient as we move along.  If you have suggestions for improvements please let us know at

We also e-mail a newsletter with events every few weeks, you can sign up at no charge here. We encourage donations in the form of memberships in the organization which you can sign up for here.

Crime and Safety in Crown Hill

Crime and Safety in Crown Hill
Monday, June 15th
7 PM – 8:30 PM
Journey Church basement
9204 11th Ave NW

You’re invited to join your neighbors and local business owners for a crime prevention and community safety meeting sponsored by Crown Hill Business Association and Crown Hill Neighborhood Association

Just today (Friday, June 12th) a car was stolen on 12th near 97th. Yesterday, an African American man was threatened with a knife and racially harassed at the bus stop at 85th and 15th. This is OUR neighborhood. We’ve had many other incidents including theft of residential mail, graffiti in both commercial and residential areas, thefts from businesses, gunfire, a stabbing, vehicles tearing up the grass at Crown Hill Park, drug use and dealing at the McAbee entrance to Carkeek Park, unsavory characters loitering in parking lots.

I think we’re all familiar with the neighborhood block watch program, but what further steps beyond increased vigilance can we take as a neighborhood (residents and businesses) to put the bite on crime, and make our neighborhood safer for all?

Find out what residents and businesses can do to best protect themselves and their property – basics review. Review of what official reports/statistics Seattle Police are receiving regarding our Crown Hill, Ballard, and city wide. Overview of some Ballard wide efforts and initiatives. What are we in the community seeing in Crown Hill?  Ground rules apply! Breakout discussion sessions focused on areas of input brought forward in the meeting. Learn what we can do to be better prepared, to have a better understanding of what we’re seeing in our area, and to be empowered to make positive changes for our community.

Pedestrian Master Plan Input Deadline Extended

Seattle’s draft Pedestrian Master Plan was released last month for public comment. The original deadline for public comment was June 15th, but that has been extended to June 26th. The plan is quite extensive and covers many aspects of pedestrian activity or lack thereof in Seattle. It was developed with input from a city-wide survey conducted in 2007, and the expert guidance of a dedicated cadre of volunteers from neighborhood activists to health professionals.  The plan examines ways to get people walking more, as well as impediments to walking. Read all about it at As an innovation, the plan is a web document, so nobody will drive up to your mailbox and deliver it. There is a summary which can be used as a guide to the various parts of the plan. See something you like or don’t like or got missed, get your comments in at: