On Saturday, September 25, the new fire station will be dedicated. Come on out for this community celebration at 1:30 pm. The neon-lighted artwork will provide a recognizable night-time landmark for Crown Hill. [UPDATE: Mayor McGinn will be there for the dedication ceremony, and there will be a mini-town hall meeting at the fire station beginning at 2 PM. This is your chance to meet the Mayor and let him know your concerns].
Did you know?
Did you know that Fire Station 35 was once home to a horse-drawn fire rig, and that rig was the last horse drawn rig in service in the city of Seattle? And that Fire Station 35 was also home to an amphibious rescue craft at one time? Check out some really interesting pictures and historical facts about the history of fire fighting in Seattle at the Last Resort Fire Department. (Hint: do a text search for “Engine 35” on that page to find the picture of the last run of the horse drawn rig, and “Apparatus 302” to find the amphibious craft).