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Break-ins in the Neighborhood

Monday and today we’ve had a few break-ins and thefts of houses in Crown Hill. The first burglaries were Monday, near 12th and 90th:

We had a break in yesterday. They climbed in the second story window and stole our tv as well as my jewelry. They also broke into our neighbors house and stole her jewelry.

This morning another residential burglary near 13th and 95th:

It looks like they were watching the house because they broke in right after we left this morning.  They shimmied open a window on the side of the house and got in that way, but then set off the alarm when they opened the patio door to get things out.  They stole our 42″ plasma TV and had some other things stuffed into bags, but left the bags behind (probably because they were not expecting the alarm to go off).  We’re going through the house now to see if anything else is missing.

 We did call the police and filed a report with them, and we’re adding more sensors to our windows so that the alarm will go off if a window is tampered with.  There shouldn’t have been any cars other than ours […] in our driveway this morning ….
Here are some tips to get everybody into security mode:
  1. Terrie Johnston is the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Coordinator for the North Precinct. I don’t know for sure how much longer she will be there. She sends out updates probably once a month. She can come to a block watch organization meeting, and she has done security checkups for both homes and businesses. or 206-684-7711.
  2. Probably good to have a quick meeting in someone’s back yard. Start exchanging phone nos, getting to know everyone.
  3. Report all suspicious activity when it is happening. Report it to 911. The 911 operators will triage the calls and dispatch an officer if one is available. Far better than voice mail at the non-emergency number. Per Terrie Johnston and Scott McGlashan presentations, if you are not sure if something is suspicious, it is suspicious.
  4. Secure windows and doors
  5. Lights on for porches.
  6. Motion sensing lights
  7. Keep ladders locked up
  8. If door knock is heard, always respond verbally (but don’t open door if you don’t know / expect). If person runs away, or otherwise odd, call 911
  9. Last I heard security cams were a mixed blessing in that they might be a target of theft, but see this thread on MyBallard forum for a different perspective. SPD caught the burglar based on the evidence provided by the video:

In terms of recovering from the theft:

  1. If house or car keys or garage door remotes are missing, the burglar(s) may be back. Beware and take appropriate action if any of these are missing.

Waste Management strike,July 25th, no waste pickup this week.

Waste Management drivers went on strike today. Most of Crown Hill’s pickup day is Wednesday. Some folk have reported they got garbage pickup only. Most say no pickups happened today. Haul the cans in, and put them out again next Wednesday.

Seattle Public Utilities press release states:

Disruptions in Solid Waste Collections

Customers missed today asked to put out all garbage, yard waste and recycling next Wednesday

As a strike by Teamster Union Local 117 continues, Waste Management is reporting that nearly all of its business and residential garbage, recycling and yard waste collections have stopped in Seattle today — and that many routes, in all wastes streams, will likely remain uncollected by the end of today.

The company also warns of continuing disruptions in solid waste collections tomorrow, Thursday, July 26.

Seattle Public Utilities SPU) asks recycling customers who were missed for collection today to put out their recycling next Wednesday, Aug. 1. There will be no charge for additional items placed at the curb.

Thursday customers should put their garbage, yard waste and recycling out before 7 a.m. tomorrow.

The strike could affect about 60 percent of the city, in Northwest and South Seattle. Teamster Local 117’s contract with Waste Management expired May 31. In Seattle, Local 117 represents only recycling drivers, and other drivers are covered by separate labor agreements. However, Waste Management is reporting that yard and garbage drivers also stopped collecting today.

Collections by CleanScapes, which covers about 40 percent of the city are not impacted by the strike.

SPU Director Ray Hoffman said that although the City of Seattle is not part of the negotiations between Waste Management and the Teamsters, he expects the two parties continue to engage in good faith negotiations toward a speedy and successful outcome.

Under its contract with the city, Waste Management is required to continue services in the event of any disruption. Specifically, any missed collections due to any labor complications must be collected later in the week, or the following week. Waste Management will not be paid for any non-service.

The contract allows the city to deduct approximately $4,500 per day in payments to Waste Management for any services that are not completed the next day. For any interruptions that continue more than a week, contractors can also be fined substantially for service failure, up to $250,000 per day.

“Protecting public health and safety will continue to be the city’s guiding principle throughout this collection disruption,” Hoffman said.

SPU will provide updates as needed. Customers with solid waste service issues or concerns may call the Call Center at 206-684-3000.

Customers with labor/union questions or concerns should contact Waste Management or Teamsters Local 117.

Crown Hill Neighbors New Board Members and Officers

Here are the new members of the Crown Hill Neighbors Board of Directors and Officers as of June 25th, 2012.

Crown Hill Neighborhood Association Officers:


  • Andrew Morrison
  • Cher Ketah

Updated as of the May 19th Election of Board of Directors at the Crown Hill Neighborhood Assn. Annual Meeting, and the June 25th Election of Officers.

Thanks to those retiring from the Board  as of June 25th:

  • Deb Jaquith
  • Dennis Galvin
  • Pete Maslenikov

Latest Neighborhood Crime Prevention Information

This just received from Terrie Johnston, Neighborhood Crime Prevention Coordinator, SPD North Precinct:

Dear Block Watch Captains/Contacts:  Sending you a few items of interest.

  1. The North Precinct Burglary/Theft Unit continues to follow up on recent burglary arrests done by North Precinct patrol officers, and  due in some part to your watchfulness and good 9-1-1 calls.  The 19 year old serial occupied burglar and auto thief who was hitting the north end neighborhoods hard approx. 8 weeks ago has been charged with nearly 10 years.  He is in jail and won’t be released for a long time. 
  2. A 39-year old, white female was arrested last week for multiple burglaries in the north end, some in which the residents were home at the time of the crime.  She confessed to detectives that she is an addict, and she preferred burglaries to prostitution. She spent the day with detectives showing them houses she had hit.  She told the detectives that she was surprised how many people leave their house keys out in  mailboxes; or on the front porch (she found keys in a pair of shoes on front porch).  Please re-think the hide-away key.  You may think it is unusual to put in under a paving stone, or huge flower pot, etc. but burglars who do this for a living, know our hiding spots.  She also told the detectives that she often looked in the windows and could see the desirable loot in plain sight (purses, cash, electronics).
  3. I talked with a gentleman today who lives in the Maple Leaf neighborhood.  Evidently, yesterday during the glorious weather we had, he was gardening in the front yard.  A thief, unseen by neither the homeowner nor nearby neighbors, entered this home through the unlocked back door and took cash and prescription meds. from a back bedroom.   I know it may be inconvenient to keep your doors locked when you are home and gardening, but these crimes are quick and contribute to our burglary rate increases during summer months.  
  4. The Phinney Ridge blog was filled with reports of suspicious magazine solicitors so I attach information on Residential Sales from the City’s Dept. of Finance and Admin. for your perusal.
  5. National Night Out is coming on August 7th but some block watchers are inquiring about registration already.  J  I will send out an email when the registration information is on the website.

Thanks for sharing this information with your neighbors and distribution lists. My office phone is 684-7711 here at the North Precinct.   Tj

Seattle Police Crime Prevention


Continue reading Latest Neighborhood Crime Prevention Information

Drive-by shooting in Crown Hill, May 4th

This occurred near the intersection 92nd and Dibble last night (May 4th). The police report is not yet available. You can read some information at MyBallard:

Update 10 AM, May 6th. The SPD Blotter’s take on the incident:

On May 4th at approximately 11:02 p.m. officers responded to multiple 911 calls of shots being fired from a vehicle in the 800 block of NW 92nd Street.  The vehicle was described as a light colored sedan, unknown make or model.

Responding officers recovered shell casings from the street.  Officers inspected the nearby residences and found no damage.  Nobody was injured and no victims have come forward.  At this time it is unknown what or whom the target of the shooting was.

Gang Unit detectives responded to the scene and continue to actively investigate.