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Community Crime Prevention Coordinator Updates

We just received this missive from Terrie Johnston. And we’re mighty happy that she and the other two SPD Community Crime Prevention Coordinators will be continuing on!


Dear Block Captains/Contacts:  I am forwarding you an email from the City’s Emergency Management office as it has disaster preparedness information and dates on upcoming classes.  The recent snow, ice and winds remind us that we are often at the mercy of mother nature, but with some simple planning we can “weather the storm” more comfortably.

Other news:  Mayor McGinn and the Seattle City Council decided last November to maintain the 3 remaining Crime Prevention Coordinators for another year.

This means I will continue serving the North Precinct’s neighborhoods with establishing and maintenance of Block Watches; conducting free security surveys for both commercial spaces and residents.  I am available for personal safety trainings; workplace violence prevention, etc.  I am happy to be a part of the Community Police Team, and look forward to continuing this meaningful work.  Our Block Watch Captains are unsung heroes. We rely on your eyes and ears, and appreciate your sharing these e-lerts I send out with others.

Property Crime:  In much of the North precinct, the burglary rates have decreased or stabilized.  There are still increased numbers of residential burglaries in some northeast neighborhoods.  They are primarily occurring during the hours of 6 a.m. to about 6 p.m.  Knocking on doors to see if anyone is at home is still a common method used by thieves.  In some cases, there is a female driver who serves as chauffeur and lookout, for her male accomplices.   The lookout has been seen texting the thieves about watchful neighbors, etc.  Kicking in doors, or door jambs is prevalent.  We recommend all exterior doors be solid core doors, (or metal) and are a minimum of 1 ¾” thick.  For maximum security, all exterior doors should be equipped with a deadbolt lock and reinforced strike plates, using 3″ screws which will go into the framework.  Locks within 40 inches of glass are vulnerable.

Watchful neighbors remain your best alarm.  9 times out of 10, our burglars are arrested due to 9-1-1 calls from neighbors who heard or saw something suspicious and made that call.

I’ve received e-mails lately about door-to-door solicitors who may or may not have been legitimate.  So I am attaching again, information on residential home sales.  (I’ve sent this out before, so consider this a rerun).

9-1-1:  I think I speak for the entire Community Police Team when I tell you that every day in our e-mail inbox, or on our telephone’s voicemail inbox, we find messages from the community that say something like this, “I wanted to let you know that I just saw something suspicious…but I didn’t think this merited a 9-1-1 call.”  Almost always the information is detailed, with good descriptions and refers to something that may or may not have been criminal, but certainly seemed odd.  And almost always it is too late for SPD to do anything with that information.   I am now hoping to encourage you to trust that gut feeling of yours.   If you get the sense that something weird is happening, even if it isn’t an emergency, please call 9-1-1 and simply state what you are reporting.  The call taker will decide whether your call should be transferred off the primary line onto a secondary line.   You don’t know what you prevent by getting a patrol cruiser coming into your neighborhood.

Happy New Year!  Thanks for supporting Crime Prevention.  Contact me at 684-7711 for any questions or follow up services.  tj

Continue reading Community Crime Prevention Coordinator Updates

Crown Hill Article in the Seattle Times

Crown Hill was featured in an article in the Seattle Times, December 18th, 2012. West Crown Hill residents Maggie Skinner (a board member of Crown Hill Neighbors) and Jon Bez  were interviewed about why they moved to Crown Hill. Catherine Weatbrook detailed the establishment of Crown Hill Center and the effort to acquire the property from the Seattle School District for the Center and the new Crown Hill Park. And Evelyn MacDonald (a 50-year resident) talked about her time in the neighborhood and teaching second grade at Crown Hill School. Read the whole article here.

2012 Musical Theater Workshop for High School Students

The Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society will  again present its highly acclaimed
musical theatre workshop for high  school students.  Saturdays, January 7th through February 11th, 2012.  Classes are held at the G&S Rehearsal Studio at Crown Hill Center, 9250 14th Ave NW.    Pick up a flyer here and application form here.  $150.

2007 Class Selection from The Mikado
The 2007 Class Performs a Selection from The Mikado. Photo: Skip Barttels

Join  members of the Artistic Staff and performers of The Seattle Gilbert &
Sullivan Society  for  six ( 6 ) Saturday sessions of instruction and merriment,
designed for beginners as well as more experienced performers  who are students entering grades 9 – 12.

Learn dance, staging , scene work, choral ensembles,  improvisational skills and how to tackle tryouts and auditions through the works of Gilbert & Sullivan.

SDOT Update on NW 85th St Paving Project

We’ve just received the following update from Seattle Dept. of Transportation on the 85th St Repaving Project. Of particular note:

  1. Phase 1, originally scheduled for this fall has been moved to January to occur just before Phase 2 which was originally scheduled for January
  2. SDOT will be installing a center median on 15th Ave NW at 83rd to prevent east-bound left turns from south-bound 15th. Left turns will still be permitted into the Home Street Bank parking lot and the Safeway gas station.


December 16, 2011

Major construction begins on N/NW 85th St the week of January 3rd

Just after the new year, SDOT will begin major construction to repair and replace the existing roadway and install drainage improvements on N/NW 85th St between 15th Ave NW and Greenwood Ave N. Neighbors and area commuters should plan ahead and expect traffic delays.

Beginning as early as January 4, NW 85th St will be closed to eastbound traffic between 15th Ave NW and 8th Ave NW (Phase 1). All eastbound traffic, including Metro buses, will be detoured via NW 80th St. Construction activities in this area will limit westbound travel lanes and prohibit parking along NW 85th St.

Roadwork between 8th Ave NW and Greenwood Ave N (Phase 2) will also start in January. Phase 2 work will intermittently reduce travel lanes for eastbound and westbound traffic to allow space for construction. Rebuilding the intersection at N 85th St and Greenwood Ave N will require multiple weekend intersection closures. Intersection work is planned to start in late-January.

What to expect during construction

  • Eastbound detours via NW 80th St
  • Reduced lanes for westbound traffic
  • Reduced traffic lanes in Phase 2
  • Multiple weekend closures at Greenwood Ave N
  • No parking on NW 85th St from 15th Ave NW to 8th Ave NW
  • Temporary sidewalk and driveway closures
  • Noise, dust and light impacts
  • Occasional nighttime work activities
  • Restricted access to side streets adjacent to NW 85th St for extended periods
  • Pedestrian access to businesses and residences will be maintained at all times

Continue reading SDOT Update on NW 85th St Paving Project

Crown Hill resident hosts delivery for grass fed meats

As interest grows nationally toward eating locally-raised, hormone-free meats, one local family has decided to make it a little easier for their neighbors to do just that.

Friendly Grass Fed Steer

Carolyn Swanson hosts a neighborhood delivery so she and others living in Crown Hill can receive monthly deliveries of grass-fed beef, pork and poultry from Blue Valley Meats in Walla Walla.  Every Friday at 1 p.m., people meet in front of her home (9737 12th Ave. NW) to pick up their orders from Blue Valley Meats, whose website allows customers to order anything from pork chops to hickory-smoked bacon to T-bone steaks.  The truck arrives at 1 p.m. with customized bags of meats for everyone who placed an order.

Continue reading Crown Hill resident hosts delivery for grass fed meats