Category Archives: Walkability

Sidewalks for West Crown Hill

A dedicated group of neighbors in West Crown Hill recently applied for Bridging the Gap Large Project Fund money to construct sidewalks in their area. Deborah Jaquith shepherded the effort. The area defined for the proposed project spans from NW 85th to NW 90th between 15th Ave NW and 20th Ave NW.

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Holman Road Median Study Meeting

December 10, 2009 at 7:00pm
Journey Church , 9204 11th Ave NW

On Thursday, December 10 at 7:00pm the Crown Hill Neighborhood Association and the Crown Hill Business Association will host a community meeting to review designs for a series of planted medians for a section of the Holman Road / 15th Ave NW corridor.  Produced by a team of students from the University of Washington’s Community, Environment, and Planning Program, these designs reflect the feedback received from over 290 Crown Hill residents through an online survey, as well as conversations with SDOT, Metro transit officials, and business owners along the corridor.

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Carkeek Park Salmon Migration Walk

Saturday, November 28th
10 AM to noon (or so)
Meet-up under the big oak tree at 13th and 95th

Crown Hill resident Doug Gresham will be leading a walking tour to observe the migration of salmon up Piper’s Creek in Carkeek Park. Doug has worked on making the creek more friendly to salmon returning to spawn, helping to design and construct some of the habitat improvements.

This is our third annual Thanksgiving walk to the creek and is a rain or shine event. An ideal antidote to all of that sleep-inducing tryptophan ( ingested on Thanksgiving day. Come join your neighbors for a gently-paced, child-friendly amble to Carkeek Park. At previous walks, sharp-eyed participants have spotted masked marauding bandits (raccoons) sleeping in the tree-tops as well as hawks, woodpeckers, and other wildlife in addition to salmon.

Holman Rd/15th Ave NW Median Survey

Please take the survey

The Crown Hill Neighborhood Association and the Crown Hill Business Association would like your input on a project to design a series of planted medians for a section of the Holman Road / 15th Ave corridor. CHNA and CHBA are working with a team of students from the University of Washington’s Community, Environment, and Planning Program, who plan to have some graphic images and maps ready for us all to review at a community meeting in December. For this project to accurately reflect the needs of Crown Hill residents we need as much of your feedback as possible. The survey can be accessed here. (The survey will open in a new window and is hosted by

Far from being merely an academic exercise, it is our hope that together we can create a design that will actually be implemented. The Holman Road / 15th Ave corridor is a dominant feature in our community, and improvements to the corridor have the potential to make our neighborhood safer for both drivers and pedestrians, nicer looking and greener. More information about the project will be sent out in the next few weeks.

Traffic Circle 13th and 95th planted

The traffic circle (some have called it a dented football shape) at 13th and 95th was planted on Saturday, October 24th with a variety of plants, including cotoneaster, iris and other plants from the Seattle Dept. of Transportation and private donations. Neighbors, Jen Smith, Loxy Balthazar, Laura Wakefield and her daughter planted the circle on a beautiful, sunlit day. The traffic circle was installed by SDOT in 2008 as a Bridging the Gap project funded from the levy passed by Seattle Voters in 2006. Another circle at 12th and 95th was installed the prior year and planted last fall.

Digging in
Digging in

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