Tag Archives: Crown Hill Park

Crown Hill Neighbors Annual Meeting and Crown Hill Park Grand Opening, May 19th, 2012

Our Annual Meeting is May 19th at 10 AM, and we’re going to keep it short so we can all mosey on out the doors at Crown Hill Center to check out the long awaited, newly minted Crown Hill Park! Plans are afoot for a barbecue, special entertainment, tricycle parade and more. We’ll have on sale our fabulous Crown Hill t-shirts so you can show some pride around town. Much, much more. Stay tuned!

Crown Hill Neighbors Annual Meeting 10 AM (Room 5 Crown Hill Center, 9250 14th Ave NW):

  • updates on a few projects around the neighborhood
    • Sidewalk on 90th between 13th and 14th (done!)
    • Sidewalk / pathway on 13th between 90th and Holman
    • Proposed improvement to the pathway between 89th and 90th at 17th/18th
    • Proposed improvements to the 8th and 100th intersection.
  • Volunteers needed
  • Board elections — we have to do this, all members are eligible to vote. Not a member yet or need to renew? No problem. We can take care of that too!

Crown Hill Park Dedication/Grand Opening 11 AM-1 PM

  • The fences have come down! (some of them anyway)
  • Bouncy house!
  • The play equipment will be available for inspection and “testing”
  • Barbecue
  • Skateboard demo
  • Tricycle/Bicycle parade (bring your own wheels for this)

Crown Hill Article in the Seattle Times

Crown Hill was featured in an article in the Seattle Times, December 18th, 2012. West Crown Hill residents Maggie Skinner (a board member of Crown Hill Neighbors) and Jon Bez  were interviewed about why they moved to Crown Hill. Catherine Weatbrook detailed the establishment of Crown Hill Center and the effort to acquire the property from the Seattle School District for the Center and the new Crown Hill Park. And Evelyn MacDonald (a 50-year resident) talked about her time in the neighborhood and teaching second grade at Crown Hill School. Read the whole article here.

Crown Hill Park Construction Photos, Sept 7th, 2011

In the two weeks since the last photos, lots of activity and progress. Here are some photos taken from the landing of the 13th Ave — Holman Rd overpass:

Circular path (north end of park) progress
Circular path (north end of park) progress, Sept 7th, 2011
Detailed park plans for "on the ground" reference
Detailed park plans for "on the ground" reference, Sept 7th, 2011
Future skate dot area
Future skate dot area, Sept. 7th, 2011
Looking west over the future soccer field and baseball diamond
Looking west over the future soccer field and baseball diamond, Sept. 7th, 2011

Progress on Crown Hill Park, Aug 24th, 2011

Here are a few pictures taken on August 24th of some of the work proceeding on the future Crown Hill Park. The circular walkway on the North end of the park is being worked on this week, and all of the asphalt is now gone along with the sod.  A number of you have asked if the turf for the fields will be natural or artificial. Without getting into the pros and cons of turf types, the plans call for natural grass.

Circular Pathway
Circular Pathway, August 24th, 2011
Soccer and Baseball Fields
Soccer and Baseball Fields, Aug 24th, 2011
Circular Pathway, Closeup
Circular Pathway, Closeup of Gravel Tamping, August 24th, 2011

Crown Hill Park Construction Begins!

"We decorated the fence so the construction crew would have something pretty to look at while they worked" (Photo courtesy of Small Faces Child Development Center)

On Wednesday, August 10th construction began on the soon to be Crown Hill Park.  The Paul Brothers of Oregon were awarded the construction contract for the park a few weeks ago. On Wednesday children at Small Faces decorated the fences with ribbons so the workers “would have something pretty to look at while they worked.”

Behind Former Home Plate
Behind Former Home Plate


John Deere and Blacktop Mountains
John Deere and Blacktop Mountains
Concrete Culverts Removed
Concrete Culverts Removed

Our new park will include a renovated ball field, open lawn areas, a skate dot, a pathway and much improved landscaping. The two large sycamores, south of the old ball field will be retained. Small Faces and the community began work to secure the historic Crown Hill School Site for community use many years ago. Seattle Parks held community meetings in 2005, 2007, and 2010.  Crown Hill Neighbors was formed in 2007 to act as a community voice in this effort. Initially it was thought the School District would enter into a long-term lease (50-year) with Small Faces, and Seattle Parks and Recreation would construct the park on the leased land while Small Faces operated the old school building. An opportunity presented itself one year later when the School District decided to surplus the school and land. Seattle Parks purchased the land for the park using the Opportunity Fund from the Parks & Green Space Levy, and Small Faces purchased the building to become the future Crown Hill Center.

Final Site Plan
Final Site Plan (click to enlarge)