The first ‘hood hunt in Crown Hill was held Saturday, April 9th, 2011. We had 39 folk assemble themselves into eleven ‘teams’ whose job was to visit 25 checkpoints in Crown Hill, and answer a ‘simple’ question about something at that checkpoint. Easy enough you say, but the maps did not have street names on them. Once each team dusted off their orienteering skills, they were then confronted with the formidable 5-1/2 mile route to visit each point and return within 75 minutes. Adding to the challenge were the grueling hills of Crown Hill which induced shortness of breath, and sore legs. Upon return, the scores were totaled for each team, and prizes awarded based on the number of correct answers and finishing order.

First- and Second-place prizes were gift certificates donated by Swanson’s Nursery, and Third-prize was a gift certificate donated by Holy Grounds coffee shop on Holman Rd. First place was awarded to a couple from Kent who completed the run in 54 minutes, and got all the questions right. Second prize was awarded to the Amort family (from Crown Hill) who missed only one question (it was the one about the number of flavors of ice cream served at Dick’s). Third prize went to Doug Gresham (also of Crown Hill).
Unofficial prizes should have been awarded for two of the teams with especially imaginative names: 1) Elephant Chickens; and 2) Candy Wrappers. Rumor has it that Elephant Chicken means “Turkey.”
‘hood hunt is a shortened form of “neighborhood scavenger hunt.” These are organized by Patrick Nuss in many neighborhoods of Seattle. You can learn more at the ‘hood hunt website.
Special thanks to our volunteers for the event, Peter Maier, Nancy Strom, Kirstin Piquette, Ryan McFarland.