All posts by dennis

“What If” Expo, July 9th, 2011

We received this from the Seattle Office of Emergency Management:

Looking for the next big thing to do this weekend? Check out the “What If” Expo and get all the latest in emergency preparedness! It runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday July 9, at the Northgate Mall, 401 NE Northgate Way, Seattle, 98125.

Sponsored by Fisher Communications (KOMO TV/Radio, Star 101.5, KVI and Univision), they’ve put together what’s sure to be a fun, informative event for all. A number of local vendors and colleagues from throughout the region will be represented, with plenty of opportunity to pick up tips and advice on everything from storing water, meeting neighbors, keeping your home safe, preparing pets, practicing your plan and more. Be sure to check out the “Big Shaker” earthquake simulator too!

Go to: for a full schedule of events and sponsors. See you there!

We’re on Facebook!

We recently added Facebook into our website.  You can find us on Facebook using the widget at the top of the right-hand column, or searching for “Crown Hill Neighbors” in the search box at Facebook or clicking on this link. We also added the ability to like individual articles and pages on our website.

The Facebook page we have created is a way for neighbors to communicate with each other. By “liking” the Facebook page, you will be able to post information and read information other neighbors have posted about activities, concerns, crime, entertainment, events, food, fun, gardening, history, parks, photos, rants & raves, and more.  We will also post links to selected articles appearing on our web site.

We do ask that if you are posting about crime or suspicious activity that you call the police first, and then share.

Burglary and Auto Theft 900 block of 97th

Looks like we’ve had another burglary and auto theft, this one on 97th between 9th and 12th.  The incident occurred in the late hours of July 1st and the early hours of the 2nd. Robert sent this in earlier today:

Dennis – we got hit hard yesterday.

At apx 1:00 am Saturday morning two teens brazenly entered our home through the front door (left unlocked) while 6 of us were at home sleeping.  They went through three top rooms stealing laptops, keys and then our car.  A neighbor and his girlfriend, next door, spotted them and gave the following description:

2 male teens, latino, closely shaved hair, both w/ black JanSport back packs.

Aprox 1 hour later our car was spotted by a different neighbor violently driving up and down on Dayton Ave.  These neighbors called 911 for over 2 hours with no police response.  The teens eventually blew the front tire but continued to aggressively drive the vehicle on its metal wheels for another 30 minutes. Neighbors [saw] them eventually leave the vehicle and walk back up the street.

Police didn’t arrive till later that morning and alerted us to the whereabouts of the car.  It was damaged, our baby stroller and car seat stolen along with loot from our house.

Please lock your doors, even when home. And most importantly, when you witness suspicious behavior, call 911, give the dispatcher as much information as possible, and ask for an officer to contact you.

What Are You Interested In?

Crown Hill Neighbors wants to hold events that people living in Crown Hill are interested in. We recently held a well attended Crime Prevention and Public Safety event, and a Disaster Preparedness presentation at our annual meeting. We would like to get some feedback from you.

We created a Survey Monkey questionnaire to find out what you are interested in. You can take the survey right here.  The survey is brief and can be completed in just a few minutes. Please check it out and provide your input. Thanks.