All posts by dennis

Trees for Seattle Neighborhoods

Here’s an opportunity to get some free trees from the city of Seattle. The city Department of Neighborhoods (DON) administers the Tree Fund to enhance the urban forest. Since 1972 the city estimates that Seattle’s urban forest tree cover has decreased from 40% to 22%. Trees play an important part in holding back stormwater surges, reducing erosion, retaining carbon, absorption of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and improving the aesthetic qualities of the urban environment. And we’ve lost some very large and some very old trees in Crown Hill in the last several years.

The DON Tree Fund has planted more than 20,000 trees in 15 years. This year’s program requires a group of neighbors living on a block or street get together and agree to plant between 10 to 40 trees. Each participating house can then choose a fruit tree.

Full details are available at the tree fund web site. Applications are due by August 16th, 2010.

Primary Election, August 17th, 2010

It’s that time already.  Your ballot and voters pamphlet is in the mail today (July 28) for the August 17th primary election in Washington State.  We’ll be voting for one of Washington State’s US Senate seats, US Congressional Representative for District 7, State Senator for District 36, and State Representatives 1 and 2 for District 36.  Also on the ballot will be the County Prosecuting Attorney, State Supreme Court Justice Positions 1, 5, and 6, and the Court of Appeals, District 1, Judge Positions 1 and 2.

Do take the time to study the candidates and make your voice heard in your government. This is once again an all mail ballot. All ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday, August 17th at midnight.

You can track the progress of your ballot, or view your voter guide at King County Elections.

Crown Hill Garage Sale Wrap-up

July 24th, 2010 saw our most successful neighborhood garage sale to date. We had 56 participating sales, including a few in Lower Crown Hill (otherwise known as close to downtown Ballard). It looked like everybody was having a good time in the fabulous sunny weather (high temperature of 77 F on my weather station).

Big Sale
Big Sale
Bears & Baskets
Bears & Baskets

Continue reading Crown Hill Garage Sale Wrap-up

File Police Reports Online Now

The Seattle Police Department recently announced an online reporting system (CORP: Community Online Reporting Program) for certain types of incidents. CORP covers the following incidents: 1) Property destruction; 2) Car Prowls; 3) Auto Accessories; 4) Theft of Property under $500; 5) Identity Theft. All other crimes should be reported, either by calling 911 or the SPD non-emergency line 206-625-5011. To use CORP, bookmark this page or click on “File a police report” on SPD’s main site.

This program allows members of the public to file police reports without having to wait for an officer to respond or call back.  All reports will be reviewed by police, and when approved, the filer will be e-mailed a copy of the final report.  According to the SPD Blotter article, “The report will transfer directly into the Seattle Police Department records management system and receive the same investigation and statistical analysis as if the report had been filed by an officer.”

911 should still be used for crimes in progress, or if the suspect is still there, or the caller or others are in danger. The CORP system is not for emergencies.

Crown Hill Neighborhood Garage Sale, July 24th, 2010

Garage Sale Sign
Click to see sale map!

As I write this at 8:30 PM on July 23rd, NOAA is calling for a sunny day on Saturday July 24th with a high of 78 F. The weather couldn’t be better … not too hot … not too cold. Get the sunscreen out, and enjoy a fabulous day buying and selling in Crown Hill!

With more than 55 participating sales, this is the most successful sale to date. If you are cruising the sales, please encourage our youngest entrepreneurs by patronizing their lemonade and refreshment stands. Also please make sure not to block access to other driveways, and most of all, watch carefully for the extra pedestrian traffic.  Maps of the sale site addresses and listings are available here. A limited number of printed maps will be available at Crown Hill Center (9250 14th Ave NW).

And in case you don’t yet have one of our award-winning Crown Hill Neighbors t-shirts, you can pick yours up at the sale being held at 10034 13th Ave NW!  If you live in Crown Hill, you won’t be the first on your block with this fashion statement!

I’ve just closed off the input form, so if you missed getting your sale listed, you can likely just set your stuff out and put up a sign, and there will be traffic.

Best of luck to all! Hope to see you there!