Preliminary work has begun on the future Crown Hill Park! Seattle Public Utilities has begun to install the water service for our new park. Workers were spotted this morning (April 11th) on 14th Ave NW, near the South end of the Crown Hill Center making a street cut and excavation. Pipes, gaskets, flanges were then handed down into the hole by SPU workers as onlookers (and their dogs) exchanged greetings, and arranged for a dog adoption (of a really cute 15 week old puppy). Thanks to Catherine Weatbrook for the photographs.
Tag Archives: Crown Hill Park
Crown Hill Park, Skatedot Design Input Opportunity, Aug 2nd, 2010
Seattle Parks and Recreation is seeking your voice on the design of the “Skatedot” at the newly christened Crown Hill Park. The skatedot is a 1500 sq. ft. feature to be located near the Southeast corner of the park. The skatedot will provide a much needed place for beginning to intermediate skateboarders to hone their skills. During the April 28th meeting, the skate feature was discussed in general terms, but specific details were deferred to a later time.
Please come and participate! No need to be a skateboarder or a parent of a skateboarder. This meeting is open to all. Pillar Design Studios, a nationally known skate park design firm, will be be leading this workshop.
Monday, August 2nd
6-8 PM
Crown Hill Center
9250 14th Ave NW
For more information or questions, contact:
Kim Baldwin
Seattle Parks and Recreation
(206) 615-0810
For more information on the new Crown Hill Park, please see:
And the Name of the New Park on Crown Hill is ….
“Crown Hill Park”
From the Seattle Parks and Recreation Press Release:
Seattle Parks and Recreation Acting Superintendent Christopher Williams has named two new parks in the Ballard area, and re-named a playfield in West Seattle.
Crown Hill Park
This park, located at Holman Road NW and 13th Avenue NW, will include ballfield renovations, walkways, entries, open space, areas for play, seating, and plantings. It is located on property recently purchased from the Seattle Public Schools.
Parks originally worked on developing the property into a park through the 2000 Pro Parks Levy, but the project was put on hold in 2006 after Seattle Public Schools declared the Crown Hill School and adjacent land a surplus, and put it up for sale. The City of Seattle purchased the property in March 2009 for $5.4 million. The project is now getting underway again.
This 1.71-acre acquisition fulfills one of Crown Hill’s longstanding community goals in its neighborhood plan. The 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy development funding of $1.2 million will contribute to completing the design and construction of the park. Construction is projected for spring 2011, with an anticipated completion in the fall of 2011.
For more information on the park development, visit the website at:
In the same press release, it was revealed the other new park in Ballard (former site of the Church of Seventh Elect in Spiritual Israel, 7028 9th Ave NW) has been designated “Kirke,” which means “Church” in Norwegian.
Continue reading And the Name of the New Park on Crown Hill is ….
Our New Crown Hill Park Needs a Name….
We received the following press release from Seattle Parks and Recreation about naming 3 new parks in Seattle. One of the parks is our new Crown Hill Park. They are actively seeking submissions of names from the community now until June 2nd, 2010. Please submit suggestions for park names in writing by June 2, 2010, and include an explanation of how your suggestion matches the naming criteria. Send suggestions to Seattle Parks and Recreation, Park Naming Committee, 100 Dexter Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109, or by e-mail to
Guidelines for park names:
- Park names can be based on geographic locations, historic or cultural significance, and natural or geological features.
- A park may be named after a person deceased for a minimum of three years who made a significant contribution to parks and/or recreation.
Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the public to submit potential names for parks in the Ballard and West Seattle neighborhoods. Suggestions for names are due to the Park Naming Committee by Wednesday, June 2.
Crown Hill Park Public Input Meeting
The future Crown Hill Park is nearly here! The temporary Fire Station #35 will be moving back into the new quarters later this year. And that clears the way to move forward on the Crown Hill Park. The park is to be located on the southern portion of the former Crown Hill Elementary School site. Seattle Parks and Recreation worked with the community a few years ago to develop a plan for the site. Since that time, the land for the park was acquired, the Crown Hill Project acquired the school building, and there was money allocated in the recently voted on parks levy for development. It is now time to review the former plans with respect to a revised park footprint, and site conditions. Seattle Parks and Recreation is convening this public meeting to define a preferred schematic plan based on the formerly developed plans and current site conditions. This is your chance to see what is in store and provide input. More information on the project (including links to the complete PDF for the schematic below) is available from the Parks department website at:
Crown Hill Park public meeting, Wednesday, April 28th, 6:30-8:00 PM, Crown Hill Center, 9250 14th Ave NW.