The property at the proposed site of a four story building including 105 unit residential units on three floors, plus ground floor commercial development at 9076 Holman Rd is now up for sale. The signs state “Pending MUP for 105 Units of Multifamily.”
The proposed development spans from 13th Ave NW to 14th Ave NW along the South side of Holman Road. The lot owners previously demolished the Union 76 station and Mini-Market adjacent to 13th Ave. Queen Anne Auto Body is still open for business on the Western portion of the site.
We recently reported the developers had applied for a MUP (Master Use Permit) to begin construction. The Department of Planning and Development issues an MUP when the project has passed through the Design Review phase(s) and a SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) review for environmental impacts. DPD has not yet issued the MUP because they have asked for plan corrections prior to issuance.