All posts by dennis

Burglaries, Car Prowls, Vicinity of 13th and 95th

Update July 21st:

A family in the 12XX block of NW 95th St reports their house was also entered the night of the 17th-18th. The woman heard noises in the kitchen and when investigating found a medium height person in a white tee shirt there. She screamed and the intruder left, leaving behind a dark sweatshirt. Police responded, but as yet no report shows up for the incident.

Update July 20th:

The July 17th 10:30 PM incident and the July 18th 3 AM incident now have substantial narratives in the online police reports (click on the links below to retrieve the amended reports).  From those reports, it is clear the incident reported on the MyBallard forum is the July 18 3 AM incident, and the nearby incident was actually near 110th and Phinney. Also the stolen vehicle from that incident was recovered. The July 18th 3 AM incident was classed as a forced entry because a window screen was removed to enter the house. All three incidents involved minimal or no force to enter, and the residences burglarized were occupied at the time.

A number of burglaries have occurred since July 16th in the vicinity of 13th Ave NW and NW 95th Street. Some of the information presented here is preliminary — police report narratives were not yet available, and some of the information is second hand.

We have confirmed three incidents and there may have been a fourth (to see the police reports, you will need to register):

  • Jul 16 2011, 3 PM, reported Jul 18 2011 THEFT-CARPROWL 12XX BLOCK OF NW 95TH ST (Police Report)
  • Jul 17 2011, 10:30 PM, reported Jul 18 2011 BURGLARY-NOFORCE-RES  92XX BLOCK OF 13TH AVE NW (Police Report)
  • Jul 18 2011, 3 AM, reported Jul 18 2011 BURGLARY-FORCE-RES, VEH-THEFT-AUTO 92XX BLOCK OF 13TH AVE NW (Police Report)

There was also a report in the forum at which may correspond to the third one above. There is an inconsistency in that the police report indicates a forced entry, but the forum posting indicates entry through an open window. The poster also indicates “The police said that there was another house about 3 blocks away that was robbed shortly before ours.” I haven’t found evidence on the police reports website of that event yet.  The MyBallard forum posting has a great last line:  “… and one ‘amazing’ guard dog is now for sale. ”

A few tips:

  • Lock doors and windows when asleep
  • Report ALL suspicious activity on 911 while the activity is happening. When in doubt whether an activity or person is suspicious, report it. The 911 operators will triage the calls. Also it is a good idea to leave your phone number and address, and ask for the responding officer to contact you.
  • If dialing 911 from a cell phone, be VERY clear of your exact location.
  • Get to know your neighbors front, back, to the sides and diagonally as well. That way you can also alert them.
  • Longer term: consider setting up a block watch and having Terrie Johnston conduct a security audit of your home or business.
  • Sign up for and hold a Night Out Against Crime event on Tuesday August 2nd.

A similar or possibly related case occurred a few weeks ago and is reported here. Crown Hill Neighbors held a Crime and Public Safety Community Meeting on June 23rd and the wrapup includes contact information for and tips from Terrie Johnston (Community Crime Prevention Coordinator) and Scott McGlashan (Community Police Team Officer).

If you have more information about any of these events or related events to share, please feel free to email or reply in the comments below. If you reply in the comments, please do not specify the exact address.

Fifth Annual Crown Hill Neighborhood Garage Sale, July 23rd, 2011

Sales as of Jul 20, 8 AM
Sales as of Jul 20, 8 AM

UPDATE: July 22nd. Listings are now closed. The day of sale web page is here.


UPDATE: July 20th. We’ve already received over 50 responses from folks hosting sales. This is shaping up to be a big event this year. We will cut off submissions to be included in the map on Friday, July 22nd at 5 PM.

Sign ups are open for this year’s Crown Hill Neighborhood Garage Sale. Sign up to list your sale here.  View the map and list of participating households here.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity! Lets fill the map with participating sales this year. Add your sale and buyers will come! Signups are open until 5 PM on Friday, July 22nd.

Calling all Crown Hill Neighbors to participate in our Fifth Annual  CHNA Garage Sale.  The sale will be held on Saturday, July 23rd from 9 AM to 3 PM.  About 55 households participated last year with loads of cool stuff. Great way to meet your neighbors.

Is your house overflowing with clothes, furniture, toys, appliances, etc which could find a home with one of your neighbors or garage sale cruisers? Want an excuse to buy those 70’s bell bottom pants? Remember, one household’s junk is another’s treasure! This is your chance to buy or sell, and a wonderful opportunity to mingle with the crowds. Last year’s sale had about 55 participating selling households, and many more sale cruisers.

Do your kids need an excuse to set up a lemonade stand? This is a great opportunity. Last year, we had lemonade, coffee, cookies and cupcakes.

It’s definitely time to start setting your merchandise aside, and plotting joint sales with neighbors so you can take turns visiting other sales.

Questions about the sale, please contact: or (206) 706-7663.

Pictures of the fun from last year’s sale

bears and basketscrowded streets

crowded salesa lot of shoes





Ballard District Council prioritizes NPF projects for construction in 2012

The City of Seattle each year funds approximately $1.2 million dollars worth of projects citywide through the Neighborhood Projects Funds. The funds are composed of the Neighborhood Street Fund and Cumulative Reserve Subfund. The City tries to equitably allocate funds among the 13 neighborhood districts in the city. An equitable share for a district is approximately $90,000. Projects are: 1) proposed by citizens; 2) initially evaluated by district councils; 3) checked for feasibility and costed by SDOT and Parks and Recreation; 4)  re-prioritized by the district councils; 5) moved through the city budget process by Mayor and City Council; then 6) implemented the following year.

The process this year recommended 3 projects in Crown Hill in the following priority:

  1. Textured crosswalks on NW 85th Street. The committee recommended that $20,000 be allocated to construct textured crosswalks across NW 85th at 8th Ave NW and 15th Ave NW. The textured crosswalks are inlaid into the pavement and provide an attractive, durable marking.
  2. Radar speed signs on 8th Ave NW between NW 85th and NW 100th. Originally this proposal also included establishment of dedicated bicycle lanes. The dedicated bike lanes would have reduced on street parking and the district council review committee decided to limit the proposal to the radar speed signs only. The review committee recommendation was to allocate up to $40,000 to fund the two radar speed signs.
  3. Speed control on residential streets 13th Ave NW and 14th Ave NW between NW 95th and NW 100th Streets. There were initially two separate proposals received to install speed bumps on these blocks individually. The review committee recommended the projects be considered jointly for more effective speed control.  The recommendation is to allocate up to $40,000 to install speed control measures to be determined by SDOT in consultation between the neighbors and SDOT’s Neighborhood Traffic Control Program.

The grand total this year is estimated at $100,000 for the 3 projects.


Rapid Ride Line “D” Route Map Updated

View 15/Line D changes in Crown Hill in a larger map

Back in January 2011, we reported the tentative routing for the northern terminus of King County Metro’s new Line “D” service. That routing as well as the routing for the southern terminus has now been finalized. Additionally station and stop information has been added and/or altered. In the map above, the new routing is in red and the current routing (15 and 15X) buses is in blue. The official route map from King County Metro is below.  KC Metro has recently secured federal funding for the “C” line. The “D” line has not yet been funded by the Federal Transit Administration. The D line is presently proposed to be up and running in late 2012. More information on the D line is available here.  Metro also has a Rapid Ride Blog which is updated from time to time.

Rapid Ride Line D routing and stops
Rapid Ride Line D routing and stops (click to download PDF from Metro)


Fall 2011 NMF Grants Focus on Emergency Preparedness

For any one planning to submit a proposal (or who has already submitted a proposal) for a Dept of Neighborhoods Small and Simple Grant for fall of 2011, the DON will only consider granting funds for Emergency Preparedness activities in conjunction with the SPD Office of Emergency Management. The full text of the DON press release follows:

 Neighborhood Matching Fund to focus on emergency preparedness for fall cycle
New Small and Simple Projects Fund focus and deadline to be announced  

July 15, 2011 (Seattle, WA) – The next cycle of the Small and Simple Projects Fund will have a single focus on
emergency preparedness this fall. Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is partnering with the Office of
Emergency Management to offer this funding opportunity which invests city resources to help community
members connect, organize, and plan for emergency situations with their neighbors. The recent national and
international disasters are vivid reminders that all need to be prepared.

No applications outside of the new emergency preparedness focus will be accepted for the last cycle of the 2011
Small and Simple Projects Fund. The exception is for existing capital projects funded by the Neighborhood
Matching Fund (NMF) that are ready for their next phase of implementation; these projects will be invited to
apply by their NMF project manager.  

Once the new focus is finalized later this fall, information on project types, funding amounts, and the application
process will be available at The deadlines for the
2012 cycles of the Small and Simple Projects Fund will be announced in November.